Projects overview

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 5G edge computing devices and services.v1 Result title 5G edge computing devices and services.v1
 Distributed automation and information management.v1 Result description specifications in coherence with all the other composing elements of the Edge-Cloud continuum framework and it's interfaces in the automation platform and with its interaction with other systems through service-oriented
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Description The value chain of each product is optimised from raw material source to End Of Life of products, ensuring the circular economy.
 Multifunctional rubber panels for the reduction of vibro-acoustics transmission loss and fire-retardant properties in the construction sector Result description  The product will be made of recyclable thermoplastics and elastomers. Bio-based raw materials will be lignin and natural rubber.
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Description Production processes demanding high human skill such as forming processes, requires readjustment of the process parameters of all production steps as a new product evolves.
 Hans Berg Use Case Result description The knowledge generated by an expert in reconfiguration and tool adjustment is tied to one product and can only be transferred to other products to a limited extent The vision of the future process
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Description The dynamics of global markets demand shorter product lifecycles and higher product variety, impacted by an increased volatility in demand.
 Highly customised taps for application in aero and windmill manufacturing Result description Further decrease in parts cost of 15% through faster product control.
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Description multi-level approach that enables a recursive, cost-effective, holistic and integrated application of circular principles to the digital uplifting of factory 4.0 capital investments; addressing issues at product
Comments   R&I Objective 2.5: Digital platforms and data management for circular product and production-systems life-cycles MIE Consultation 2020 (Closed) Specific Objective 2: Circular products & Climate-neutral
 A Systematic Procedure for Utilization of Product Usage Information in Product Development Result title A Systematic Procedure for Utilization of Product Usage Information in Product Development