Projects overview

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Description QU4LITY will demonstrate, in a realistic, measurable, and replicable way an open, certifiable and highly standardised, SME-friendly and transformative shared data-driven ZDM product and service model for
 1st Report on Open Calls Result title 1st Report on Open Calls
 Pilot - WHR Dryer Factory Holistic Quality Platform Result description All these data sources will be integrated in the experiment, providing a comprehensive view of the production process.
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Description The FA3D2 facility will provide open access to a variety of UK companies with a specific focus on support for manufacturing SMEs.
Result product Tensorflow, an end-to-end open source machine learning platform
 Integrated Artificial Intelligence Result description Due to FA3D2’s highly flexible nature, it is an extremely complex system with many sources of variability which require understanding and compensating for. Result comments Siemens MindSphere Tensorflow, an end-to-end open source machine learning platform Grafana FA3D2 FLEXCELLE United Kingdom Nottingham
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Result product Tensorflow, an end-to-end open source machine learning platform
 Integrated Artificial Intelligence Result description Due to FA3D2’s highly flexible nature, it is an extremely complex system with many sources of variability which require understanding and compensating for. Result comments Siemens MindSphere Tensorflow, an end-to-end open source machine learning platform Grafana FA3D2 FLEXCELLE United Kingdom Nottingham
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Description Furthermore, Circular TwAIn will enable the integration and combination of different data from various sources over entire product life cycle considering sustainability aspects.
 Open-Source Implementations of the Reactive Asset Administration Shell: A Survey Result title Open-Source Implementations of the Reactive Asset Administration Shell: A Survey
 Data Space and AI Toolkit Reference Implementations - 1st version Result description This OTHER software deliverable collects existing open source reference implementations of Data Space and AI Toolkit for Circularity.
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Description For this reason, it has been decided from the draft architecture, that it will have interfaces based on Open Standard (e.g. STEP and the OpenGroup QLM.
 Sources and Characteristics of Information about Product Use Result title Sources and Characteristics of Information about Product Use
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - Manutelligence (Product Service Design and Manufacturing Intelligence Engineering Platform) Result description The Product-Service is more and more a source a new business, providing to the end users the experience they need instead of a pure product, efficiently addressing customer needs.The main scope of the
 Domain 6: Customer-focused manufacturing Taxon description It would extract customer feedback from all possible sources, including real time product usage, social media and incorporate it into engineering and manufacturing processes.
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Description activities and providing basic implementation as a free, open-source solution.
Comments The idea of achieving a high degree of reusability is similar to the open source software movement and can lead to high cost efficiency and low access barriers to solutions from competitors
 Open Call Documents 1 Result title Open Call Documents 1
 Framework of Future Industrial Worker Characteristics Result description search via the search engines listed on this page.Authors: Päivi Heikkilä, Susanna Aromaa,Hanna Lammi, Timo KuulaJournal title: IHIET-AI 2023Journal number: Volume 70, number 70Journal publisher: AHFE open
 R&I Objective 4.1: Digital platforms and engineering tools supporting creativity and productivity of manufacturing development Comments The idea of achieving a high degree of reusability is similar to the open source software movement and can lead to high cost efficiency and low access barriers to solutions from competitors
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Description Data and algorithms using open source code increasingly serve as a foundation for the creation of added value in the digital economy.
 Data-Driven Innovation and Exploitation - Workshop Result description source licenses and/or data Aleš Veršič, MA, Head of Open Data Portal, Ministry of Public Administration, Slovenia Matija Šuklje, MA , Lawyer, Senior Counsel (IP Track) at
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Comments These include modules for: 1) integrating different types of Product Embedded Information Devices and sensors, 2) extracting information from different social media sources (semantic analysis of unstructured
 FALCON Virtual Open Platform Architecture and Interfaces Result title FALCON Virtual Open Platform Architecture and Interfaces Result description In reference to task 1.2, the report defines the overall architecture of the Virtual Open Platform.
 Domain 6: Customer-focused manufacturing Taxon description It would extract customer feedback from all possible sources, including real time product usage, social media and incorporate it into engineering and manufacturing processes.
 Collaborative and decentralized application architectures and development tools Comments These include modules for: 1) integrating different types of Product Embedded Information Devices and sensors, 2) extracting information from different social media sources (semantic analysis of unstructured
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Comments   Open standards will be favoured and special consideration will be taken to the ones already supported by stakeholder products.
 EPICA - Multi-stakeholder attribute-based access control and authorisation engine Result description This engine was released as open source with Apache 2.0 licence.
 Standards Comments   Open standards will be favoured and special consideration will be taken to the ones already supported by stakeholder products.
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Comments source Business model aspects Software development and ownership model Data acquisition Technologies and enablers Data collection, storage, analytics, processing and AI Information and communication
 Open source Taxon title Open source Taxon description Open-source software may be developed in a collaborative public manner. According to scientists who studied it, open-source software is a prominent example of open collaboration.
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Description OPEN!NEXT enables SMEs to engage in company-community collaboration (C3) for means of co-development and market exploitation of Open Source Hardware (OSH) products and related services.
 Open source sociotechnical design components Result title Open source sociotechnical design components
 OPENNEXT: Open source sociotechnical design components Result title Open source sociotechnical design components
 Strategic models: SME Open Business models for open source consumer product Result description Overview of strategic approaches and in particular existing consequences and implications for business model development in open source development strategic options for action with respective prerequisites
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 OpenLMD, an open source middleware and toolkit for laser-based additive manufacturing of large metal parts Result title OpenLMD, an open source middleware and toolkit for laser-based additive manufacturing of large metal parts
 Multimodal monitoring and control software for laser processing cell Result description Laser cell (multiple sensors and robot) integration software based on open-source components.
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Description An initial set is included in this proposal and two further sets will be obtained through Open Calls for proposals.
Comments Applications areas and sectors C MANUFACTURING Open source Business model aspects Software development and ownership model Autonomous /online/realtime Manufacturing Process Optimisation on machine level
 Open Call 1 Experiment Summary Report Result title Open Call 1 Experiment Summary Report
 HPC based high-resolution modelling of magnets Result description To tackle the problem of pressing tool optimization, XLAB developed a set of software services based on open-source solutions.
 Open source Taxon title Open source Taxon description Open-source software may be developed in a collaborative public manner. According to scientists who studied it, open-source software is a prominent example of open collaboration.
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Description The primary outcomes of vf-OS are an: Open Operating System (vf-OS) and Software Development Kit (OAK) for Factories of the Future that aims to be the reference system software for collaborative
Comments Open vf-OS Platform ecosystem is composed of developers/technical providers, manufacturing users, manufacturing providers and service providers.
Result product FIWARE, curated framework of open source platform components To accelerate the development of Smart Solutions
 Domain framework for implementation of open IoT ecosystems Result title Domain framework for implementation of open IoT ecosystems
 vfOS - ID1.4a - Existing SOTA Analysis(M6) Result description sources.
 vfOS - ID3.2a - FI-WARE Generic Enablers(M12) Result comments FIWARE, curated framework of open source platform components To accelerate the development of Smart Solutions FIWARE FOUNDATION EV vf-OS
 vfOS - ID3.2b - FI-WARE Generic Enablers(M18) Result comments FIWARE, curated framework of open source platform components To accelerate the development of Smart Solutions FIWARE FOUNDATION EV vf-OS
 Open APIs and Communication Protocols Taxon title Open APIs and Communication Protocols
 Domain 6: Customer-focused manufacturing Taxon description It would extract customer feedback from all possible sources, including real time product usage, social media and incorporate it into engineering and manufacturing processes.
 Business ecosystems associated to digital platforms Comments Open vf-OS Platform ecosystem is composed of developers/technical providers, manufacturing users, manufacturing providers and service providers.
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Description The BE in CPPS project stems upon three distinct pillars: A FI-based three-layered (machine-factory-cloud) open source platforms federation, integrated from state-of-the-art R&I advances in the
Result product Papyrus: Industrial-grade open source Model-Based Engineering tool
 CPPS Open Platform Result title CPPS Open Platform Result description The software assets of the toolbox are all Open Source licensed components and can be grouped in 6 main categories, as indicated by the picture above .
 Rhône-Alpes Champion: The Smart Mold Result comments Papyrus: Industrial-grade open source Model-Based Engineering tool BEinCPPS
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Description The infrastructure will be developed as open source software under an Apache-type, permissive license.
Comments Camunda BPM: Camunda BPM is an open source platform for business process management.
 Raising Awareness in Open Source Communities Result title Raising Awareness in Open Source Communities
 Distributed Automation: Channel Management for Production Data Sharing Result description A short report with a link to open-source demonstrator (OSD)
 Product and Service Search Engine and Search Mediator Result description A short report with a link to open-source demonstrator (OSD)
 Supply Chain Negotiation Support Result description A short report with a link to open-source demonstrator (OSD)
 User Front-End Prototype Result description A short report with a link to open-source demonstrator (OSD)
 Core Platform Infrastructure Result description A short report with a link to open-source demonstrator (OSD)
 Catalogue Ingestion and Semantic Annotation Result description A short report with a link to open-source demonstrator (OSD)
 Data Analytics Result description A short report with a link to open-source demonstrator (OSD)
 Tool for Collaboration Setup and Interoperability Testing Result description A short report with a link to open-source demonstrator (OSD)
 Open source Taxon title Open source Taxon description Open-source software may be developed in a collaborative public manner. According to scientists who studied it, open-source software is a prominent example of open collaboration.
 Programming Frameworks – Software Development Kits (SDKs) Comments Camunda BPM: Camunda BPM is an open source platform for business process management.