Projects overview

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 Life Cycle Evaluation Tool Result description This holistic approach becomes necessary as environmental as well as economical impacts of factory systems significantly depend on the factory sub-elements like machines, technical building services and
 Reducing the consumption of energy Taxon description Efficient energy use, sometimes simply called energy efficiency, is the goal to reduce the amount of energy required to provide products and services.
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 Micro Electro Discharge Machine simulator module (virtual machine) Result description Partners have expressed their interest in using the Micro Electro Discharge Machine simulator module both internally and to provide external consultancy services.
 Reducing the consumption of energy Taxon description Efficient energy use, sometimes simply called energy efficiency, is the goal to reduce the amount of energy required to provide products and services.
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Comments Overall impact: 4 New products / 2 Product improvement: IBS, Sensofar, NPL, Brunel, Sarix, Blum 2 Software developments close to industrialization: Tagueri, ULG 4 New services: NPL, Ideko, Bremen, Tekniker
 RP 1.1 Manufacturing for custom made parts Taxon description Customisation is a key differentiator within high value manufacturing, to provide competitive products and deliver new services and localised functionalities.
 Number of developed systems and technologies Comments Overall impact: 4 New products / 2 Product improvement: IBS, Sensofar, NPL, Brunel, Sarix, Blum 2 Software developments close to industrialization: Tagueri, ULG 4 New services: NPL, Ideko, Bremen, Tekniker
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Comments Domain 3 - Digital, Virtual and Resource-efficient Factories Impact Workshop D3-Area 1: Cloud services and simulation, Knowledge-based tools and integrated product-process design and simulation Impact
 Domain 4: Collaborative and mobile enterprises Taxon description • Encompassing new product take back laws and asymmetric information distribution for closed-loop lifecycle management and especially for End-of-Life (EoL) services for products.
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Comments sustainability IGA allows design of products accurately targeting specifications due to more exact analysis Domain 3 - Digital, Virtual and Resource-efficient Factories Impact Workshop D3-Area 1: Cloud services
 RP 6.5 Product-Service Simulation for Sustainability Impact Taxon description This research priority aims at developing a framework for lifecycle simulation and for digital mock-ups of product & services in their environment in order to optimize product & services value and impact
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 Sense&React Integrated Platform Result description Sense&React allows User the configuration of the Integrated Platform by choosing the Apps and the backend Services based on its needs.
 Reducing the consumption of energy Taxon description Efficient energy use, sometimes simply called energy efficiency, is the goal to reduce the amount of energy required to provide products and services.
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 Advanced business process modelling support for collaborative interorganizational environments Result description Such customizations are offered as professional services, are very flexible and powerful and do not require editing the source code of the tool.
 RP 4.8 Multi-Enterprise Role-Based Access Control (mRBAC) in manufacturing enterprises Taxon description Future research should focus on the ability to model trust and privacy requirements in multi-stakeholder supply networks joining data and services of enterprises.
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 Factory-wide Energy Consumption Model Result description This document presents a generic model of industrial energy consumption including energy consumed by each operating mode of the production assets and the technical building services.
 Reducing the consumption of energy Taxon description Efficient energy use, sometimes simply called energy efficiency, is the goal to reduce the amount of energy required to provide products and services.
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Comments Number of new skills and/or job profiles Additional KPIs still under evaluation, novel engineering services are being enabled and the related high skills jobs will be needed Number of project results
 Reducing the consumption of energy Taxon description Efficient energy use, sometimes simply called energy efficiency, is the goal to reduce the amount of energy required to provide products and services.
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 ICT-based mini-factories platform management Result description - Front-end networked architecture which allow the different players in the value chain to access to the IT platform provided services (design of personalised spectacles, monitor the spectacles production
 RP 1.1 Manufacturing for custom made parts Taxon description Customisation is a key differentiator within high value manufacturing, to provide competitive products and deliver new services and localised functionalities.
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Comments Domain 3 - Digital, Virtual and Resource-efficient Factories Impact Workshop D3-Area 1: Cloud services and simulation, Knowledge-based tools and integrated product-process design and simulation Impact
 Comfortable Feet in Safety Shoes Result description For Base Protection this means new products and services with an estimated increase in turnover of 750 k€ in three years through new customers and improved customer loyalty and satisfaction.
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 Additive manufacturing Roadmap: gaps and actions on market driven value chains Result description to originate from the investigation of sectors with the most potential to contribute to bridging the gap between current knowledge and the successful commercialisation of AM manufactured products or services
 RP 1.1 Manufacturing for custom made parts Taxon description Customisation is a key differentiator within high value manufacturing, to provide competitive products and deliver new services and localised functionalities.
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 Modular Plant Data Exchange Software Result description The functions translate OPC data to B2MML format and make them available through RESTFul services.
 RP 5.1 New manufacturing education methods and e-learning Taxon description Integration of e-learning tools with competence management systems and web-services needs also to be addressed.
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Comments platforms - data platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies Domain 3 - Digital, Virtual and Resource-efficient Factories Impact Workshop D3-Area 1: Cloud services
 MC-SUITE application based on six different modules ready to reduce the gap between the simulated and the real process Result description - Objective 5: To create new services based on Big Data. MC-Analytics is a platform to treat the information of the cloud for predictive maintenance and productivity improvement.
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Comments Domain 3 - Digital, Virtual and Resource-efficient Factories Impact Workshop D3-Area 1: Cloud services and simulation, Knowledge-based tools and integrated product-process design and simulation Impact
 Reducing the consumption of energy Taxon description Efficient energy use, sometimes simply called energy efficiency, is the goal to reduce the amount of energy required to provide products and services.
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Comments Domain 3 - Digital, Virtual and Resource-efficient Factories Impact Workshop D3-Area 1: Cloud services and simulation, Knowledge-based tools and integrated product-process design and simulation Impact
 Platform enabled optimisation Taxon description In general, digital platforms offer added-value basd upon three main mechanisms: Reduction of transaction costs Network effects Use of data integration for new services
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 A software defined hierarchical communication and data management architecture for industry 4.0 Result description Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS)Journal publisher: IEEEPublished year: 2018Published pages: 37-44DOI identifier: 10.23919/WONS.2018.8311660ISBN:978-3-903176-01-0
 Platform enabled optimisation Taxon description In general, digital platforms offer added-value basd upon three main mechanisms: Reduction of transaction costs Network effects Use of data integration for new services
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 Factory2Fit integration system Result description The deliverable describes the integrated framework that will be able to deliver a set of services that are used in the different pilots like retrieval of adaptable patterns, simulation of workplaces, adaptive
 Added value - impact - value proposition Taxon description Services, by definition, are intangible (non-material)