Projects overview

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Description Following the design of highly customised products from Pylon I, the required supply and manufacturing schemes for production will be generated and verified by the developments of Pylon II.
Organisation Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Comments Manufacturing the products of the future Manufacturing future products Customised products Manufacturing future products Manufacturing the products of the future Resource efficient, sustainable products
 Data management for a seamless and robust data availability Result title Data management for a seamless and robust data availability
 Web-based BoM generator for mass customised products Result description Competitive advantage Importing customer design changes in open source standardised data exchange format and generates the bill of materials for manufacturing of the product according to the customer
 Manufacturing the products of the future Taxon title Manufacturing the products of the future
 Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems Taxon description recommended under this domain aim at Future European Manufacturing Systems and Processes that adapt in an agile manner to varying market and factory demands thanks to intelligent robots and machines that
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Description , to adapt to global competitive pressures by increasing the technological base of EU manufacturing through the development and integration of the enabling technologies of the future, specifically engineering
Comments SRIA Research priorities RP 3.2 Intelligent maintenance systems for increased reliability of production systems FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient
 CM expertise for forming presses Result title CM expertise for forming presses
 Integrated iMAIN system Result description It helps predict critical parts and the remaining lifetime of press components and can visualize the data in the iMain cloud for specific users and uses.
 RP 3.2 Intelligent maintenance systems for increased reliability of production systems Taxon description For this, predictive data analytics techniques should be developed to aggregate and process the massive amount of data captured by intelligent devices from the field on-the-fly.
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Description The OPENHYBRID project will overcome the technical and commercial barriers of current hybrid manufacturing systems to deliver a single manufacturing system capable of undertaking a wider range of processes
Comments systems FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Domain 5: Human-centric manufacturing RP 5.5 New recommendation systems for the European workforce FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Domain 5:
 Conformal and Pore-free Wire-based Laser Metal Deposition (LMD-W) for Additive Manufacturing in machine tools – The correct wire feed as a key factor for high-quality components Result title Conformal and Pore-free Wire-based Laser Metal Deposition (LMD-W) for Additive Manufacturing in machine tools – The correct wire feed as a key factor for high-quality components
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - OpenHybrid (Developing a novel hybrid AM approach which will offer unrivalled flexibility, part quality and productivity) Result description The main aim of the OpenHybrid project is to overcome the technical and commercial barriers of current hybrid manufacturing systems to deliver a single manufacturing system, capable of producing large,
 RP 5.5 New recommendation systems for the European workforce Taxon title RP 5.5 New recommendation systems for the European workforce
 Measurement, sensing, condition and performance monitoring technologies Taxon description capabilities and context-awareness.
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Description from all relevant stakeholders included the civil society and citizens, to guide in the development of innovative solutions, and to guarantee the future acceptance of the research results.
  Open Science for a sunny future in materials research Result title Open Science for a sunny future in materials research
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - GRECO (Fostering a Next Generation of European Photovoltaic Society through Open Science) Result description GRECO overall objective is to bridge the gap between the theory behind Open Science and its practical implementation, by generating a valid, inclusive, and understandable rationale model.
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Description The objective of MARKET4.0 is to define, develop and validate an open multi-sided marketplace, based on a trusted P2P data sharing infrastructure for Industry 4.0, that brings together Industrial Product
Organisation Association of Metaltechnology Industries Austria - Fachverband Metalltechnische Industrie (FMTI)
 Infrastructural Sovereignty over Agreement and Transaction Data (‘Metadata’) in an Open Network-Model for Multilateral Sharing of Sensitive Data Result title Infrastructural Sovereignty over Agreement and Transaction Data (‘Metadata’) in an Open Network-Model for Multilateral Sharing of Sensitive Data
 MARKET4.0 Metal domain DATA SPACE based on IDS RA Result description Solution:  The MARKET4.0 metal domain data space describes a robust and efficient solution for the connection, based on the IDS RA (Reference Architecture) of the equipment manufacturers’ distributed
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Description Through the modular design and the development of a smart production scheme costs and time of luminaire manufacturing can be reduced substantially as well as their environmental impact.
 User-centered Design Approach to Develop the Luminary of the Future LUMINARY OF THE FUTURE (p62) Result title User-centered Design Approach to Develop the Luminary of the Future LUMINARY OF THE FUTURE (p62)
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - Repro-light (Re-usable and re-configurable parts for sustainable LED-based lighting systems) Result description and competitive future.
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Description Efficient and effective maintenance is crucial for all kind of industries.
Comments manufacturing systems RP 2.2 Embedded cognitive functions for supporting the use of machinery and robot systems in changing shop floor environments FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Sub-Domain
 Final Report Summary - MAINBOT (Mobile robots for inspection and maintenance activities in extensive industrial plants) Result title Final Report Summary - MAINBOT (Mobile robots for inspection and maintenance activities in extensive industrial plants)
 RP 2.2 Embedded cognitive functions for supporting the use of machinery and robot systems in changing shop floor environments Taxon title RP 2.2 Embedded cognitive functions for supporting the use of machinery and robot systems in changing shop floor environments
 Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems Taxon description recommended under this domain aim at Future European Manufacturing Systems and Processes that adapt in an agile manner to varying market and factory demands thanks to intelligent robots and machines that
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Description Advanced production equipment and innovative systems are needed to enable fast and cost-effective manufacturing of customised products at the location of need, at the required time.
Comments Manufacturing the products of the future Manufacturing future products Complex structures, geometries and scale Manufacturing future products Manufacturing the products of the future Customised products
 Final Report Summary - CASSAMOBILE (Flexible Mini-Factory for local and customized production in a container) Result title Final Report Summary - CASSAMOBILE (Flexible Mini-Factory for local and customized production in a container)
 Container-integrated factory prototype Result description The main goal of the CassaMobile project was to develop a new kind of local, flexible and environmentally friendly production system for highly customised parts based on a combination of different manufacturing
 Manufacturing the products of the future Taxon title Manufacturing the products of the future
 RP 6.11 Manufacturing solutions for modular, updatable, reconfigurable and disassemblable products Taxon description At the same time the integration of highly differentiated components and embedded intelligence are key requisites for flexible manufacturing of strongly customer focused products with a wider range of
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Description We demonstrate the capabilities of the layered ReconCell System on three real use cases provided by the SMEs of our consortium and two more use cases, established through an open call.
Organisation University of Southern Denmark
Comments Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems RP 2.2 Embedded cognitive functions for supporting the use of machinery and robot systems in changing shop floor environments FoF Partnership SRIA Research
 Rotational Subgroup Voting and Pose Clustering for Robust 3D Object Recognition Result title Rotational Subgroup Voting and Pose Clustering for Robust 3D Object Recognition
 Manual for setting up software tools for business intelligence Result description This deliverable deals with setting up of software tools for business intelligence, including the setting up of various parameters describing the business model.
 Final assembly & customization of drive systems and control boxes Result acronym Final assembly & customization of drive systems and control boxes
 RP 2.2 Embedded cognitive functions for supporting the use of machinery and robot systems in changing shop floor environments Taxon title RP 2.2 Embedded cognitive functions for supporting the use of machinery and robot systems in changing shop floor environments
 Control technologies Taxon description power and intelligence in order to come forward to the demands of increased speed and precision in manufacturing.
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Description The general objective of EFEVE project is the improvement of the new technologies to manufacturing of materials (aluminium and magnesium alloy) and processes and new technologies of production that are
Comments Manufacturing the products of the future Manufacturing future products New nanoalloys of non ferrous metals (Al & Mg) with improved mechanical properties by Low Pressure Die Casting and Squeeze Casting
 Final Report Summary - EFEVE (Development of a new high performance material associated to a new technological Energetic, Flexible, Economical, Versatile and Ecological process to make super strong and lightweight components) Result title Final Report Summary - EFEVE (Development of a new high performance material associated to a new technological Energetic, Flexible, Economical, Versatile and Ecological process to make super strong and
 Manufacturing the products of the future Taxon title Manufacturing the products of the future
 Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes Taxon description The set of research priorities under this domain focuses on innovative processes for efficient and high quality manufacturing for either both new and current materials or products.
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Description intelligent and dynamic industrial decision support, augmentation and automation processes, integrating Artificial Intelligence (smart anticipation) and Intelligent Automation (rapid response) capabilities
Organisation Chalmers University of Technology
 Human factors in the design of advanced quality inspection systems in the era of Zero-Defect Manufacturing Result title Human factors in the design of advanced quality inspection systems in the era of Zero-Defect Manufacturing
 Technical set-up, proof of concept (PoC) experimentation & initial KPIs_Process Operations Result description This document will report on the activities carried out for the set-up of the large scale trials for Process Operations, the definition of the experimentation plan and the initial KPI.
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Description MiRoR aims to develop a fundamentally novel concept of a Miniaturised Robotic Machine (Mini-RoboMach) system, that equipped with intelligence-driven and autonomous abilities, will be demonstrated for holistic
Organisation Institute for Advanced Manufacturing - University of Nottingham
Comments manufacturing systems RP 2.2 Embedded cognitive functions for supporting the use of machinery and robot systems in changing shop floor environments FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Sub-Domain
 Final Report Summary - MIROR (Miniaturised Robotic systems for holistic in-situ Repair and maintenance works in restrained and hazardous environments) Result title Final Report Summary - MIROR (Miniaturised Robotic systems for holistic in-situ Repair and maintenance works in restrained and hazardous environments)
 RP 2.2 Embedded cognitive functions for supporting the use of machinery and robot systems in changing shop floor environments Taxon title RP 2.2 Embedded cognitive functions for supporting the use of machinery and robot systems in changing shop floor environments
 Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems Taxon description recommended under this domain aim at Future European Manufacturing Systems and Processes that adapt in an agile manner to varying market and factory demands thanks to intelligent robots and machines that
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Description The global adoption of information and communications technology by manufacturing industry is now paving the way for disruptive approaches to production and the entire logistics chain.
Comments super_admin R&I Objective 1.4: Artificial intelligence for productive, excellent, robust and agile manufacturing chains - Predictive manufacturing capabilities & logistics of the future MIE Consultation
 Article on the AR for Enterprise Alliance (AREA) blog, introducing the SatisFactory project- "FACTORIES OF THE FUTURE". Result title Article on the AR for Enterprise Alliance (AREA) blog, introducing the SatisFactory project- "FACTORIES OF THE FUTURE".
 iDSS-Decision Support System for Incident Detection and Maintenance in Industries Result description , of daily production activities and flaws of Factories of the Future.
 DELIVERABLE D3.1 Semantically-enriched framework for analysis and design of dynamically evolving shop floor operations Result acronym SatisFactory - Semantically-enriched framework for analysis and design of dynamically evolving shop floor operations
 Manufacturing the products of the future Taxon title Manufacturing the products of the future
 Control technologies Taxon description power and intelligence in order to come forward to the demands of increased speed and precision in manufacturing.
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Description This will be achieved by implementing the project platform in 2 completely different value chains, the food and drink one and the woodworking one, with 5 concurrent industrial use-cases.
Organisation University of applied sciences and arts of southern switzerland (SUPSI)
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - E2COMATION (Life-cycle optimization of industrial energy efficiency by a distributed control and decision-making automation platform) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 1 - E2COMATION (Life-cycle optimization of industrial energy efficiency by a distributed control and decision-making automation platform) Result description The European countries are facing unprecedented challenges resulting from increased dependence on energy imports and scarce energy resources, and the need to limit climate change and overcome the economic
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Description transfer capabilities and guarantee the sustainability of the growing DIH network.
 The Data-Driven Multi-Step Approach for Dynamic Estimation of Buildings’ Interior Temperature Result title The Data-Driven Multi-Step Approach for Dynamic Estimation of Buildings’ Interior Temperature
 D4.11a: A capacity planning solution to optimize workflow to a changing production environment Result description and lessons learned The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package
 D4.2a: IoT/CPS for patient services upgrading in Home Healthcare Result description and lessons learned The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package
 D4.5a: 3D Audio-visual inmersive installation prototype Result description and lessons learned The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package
 D4.7a: CPS for security and wellbeing of shop floor workers Result description and lessons learned The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package
 D4.8a: Track and trace scheduled product in an open and hostile environment by deploying CPS Result description and lessons learned The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package
 D4.9a: Smart and sustainable mobility prototype Result description and lessons learned The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package
 D4.4a: CPS for energy Result description and lessons learned The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package
 D4.3a: CPS for personalised interactive Tourist Platform Result description and lessons learned The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package
 D4.10a: The urban orchard planter prototype Result description and lessons learned The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package
 D4.6a: Food Processing Prototype Result description and lessons learned The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package
 D4.1a: Safe and Sustainable Aquaculture Farming Prototype Result description and lessons learned The structure of the deliverables will be streamlined for the whole work package
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Description The laser formed micro structure s geometry allows cutting the solar radiation and therefore reduces the energy used for cooling and ventilation.
 Development of ultra-short pulse laser ablation process for roll-to-roll products. Result title Development of ultra-short pulse laser ablation process for roll-to-roll products.
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - PoLaRoll (Polygon scanner based ultra-short pulse laser processing in roll-to-roll manufacturing) Result description The focus of PoLaRoll is on the continuous and digital production process for structuring a lacquer film on a stainless steel web and thereby substituting the need for a negative mask for imprinting the
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Description The mix of tools used and the involvement of the partners has been designed so as an important impact can be achieved, during a short time-frame and with limited resources.
Organisation Steinbeis 2i GmbH of Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH
Comments and enablers
 Guidelines for communication, dissemination and exploitation in the frame of the LI4.E Result title Guidelines for communication, dissemination and exploitation in the frame of the LI4.E Result description Guidelines for communication, dissemination and exploitation in the frame of the LI4.E
 Knowledge-workers and operators Taxon description The European Factories of the Future are expected to provide global manufacturing competitiveness, but also to create a large amount of work opportunities for the European population.
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Description The majority of industrial laser systems are employed to perform low-variety and high-volume manufacturing operations.
Organisation European Federation for Welding, Joining & Cutting - EWF
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ModuLase (Development and Pilot Line Validation of a Modular re-configurable Laser Process Head) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ModuLase (Development and Pilot Line Validation of a Modular re-configurable Laser Process Head) Result description State-of-the-art fibre-delivered laser sources are an industrially accepted tool for performing a range of materials processing applications.
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Description Both factors in the end limit the possibility of reliable and cost effective manufacturing of MEMS and micro-components.
 An Outline of a Complementary Inspection System for Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) Devices Based on Radiography and Plenoptic Camera Result title An Outline of a Complementary Inspection System for Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) Devices Based on Radiography and Plenoptic Camera
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CITCOM (A Complimentary Inspection Technique based on Computer Tomography and Plenoptic Camera for MEMS Components) Result description The last category represents currently the bulk of the MEMS devices (e.g...
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Description A Cloud Manufacturing approach will be applied for effective collaborative design of product-services and their production processes, and the effective implementation of innovative services.
Comments Manufacturing the products of the future Flexibility Manufacturing performance characteristics Economic sustainability Economic sustainability Manufacturing performance characteristics IoT - Internet
 Final Report Summary - PROSECO (Collaborative Environment for Design of AmI enhanced Product-Services Integrating Highly Personalised Innovative Functions with Minimal Ecological Footprint along Life Cycle and of Their Production P) Result title and of Their Production P)
 Context Modelling tool, extraction services and Methodology Result description (use of products, manufacturing of product etc.) and/or its environment.
 Lean Consultancy for PES Result acronym Lean Consultancy for PES
 RP 6.3 Collaborative product-service systems design environments for SME involvement Taxon description Future ICT research needs to leverage the cloud-computing paradigm as the basis for communication amongst human stakeholders (designers as well as customers) for exchanging data and information (e.g.
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Description The ReCaM-project will demonstrate at TRL 7 a set of integrated tools for the rapid and autonomous reconfiguration of agile production systems, both at operational as well as managerial levels, integrated
Organisation Tampere University of Technology
Comments investments Additional KPIs Reduction of energy consumption (in %) Additional KPIs Contribution to the reduction of energy use and CO2 emissions As the dmonstrators are not running under productive
 The development of an ontology for describing the capabilities of manufacturing resources Result title The development of an ontology for describing the capabilities of manufacturing resources
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ReCaM (Rapid Reconfiguration of Flexible Production Systems through Capability-based Adaptation, Auto-configuration and Integrated tools for Production Planning) Result description The ReCaM-project will demonstrate at TRL 7 a set of integrated tools for the rapid and autonomous reconfiguration of agile production systems, both at...
 RP 2.11 Dynamic Manufacturing Execution Environments for their Smarter Integration into dynamic and agile factories Taxon title RP 2.11 Dynamic Manufacturing Execution Environments for their Smarter Integration into dynamic and agile factories Taxon description The high dynamicity of future manufacturing systems requires a constant optimization of quality and resource usage.
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Description FreeWheel satisfies the need for customization, both on the user and on the vehicle side, through the implementation of a modular concept based on standard reconfigurable, low-cost modules (e.g. engine
Organisation University of applied sciences and arts of southern switzerland (SUPSI)
 Design and manufacturing of a smart mobility platform’s context awareness and path planning module: A PSS approach Result title Design and manufacturing of a smart mobility platform’s context awareness and path planning module: A PSS approach
 D1.1.2 Progress overview reports Result description This document will report on the administrative progress of the project and of the individual work packages
 Progress overview reports Result description This document will report on the administrative progress of the project and of the individual work packages
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Description NewWave will contribute to building a circular economy by introducing sustainable raw materials in different manufacturing lines, replacing toxic chemicals and lowering the environmental footprint of the
 Progress report on the study and development of new plywood resins M12 Result title Progress report on the study and development of new plywood resins M12 Result description Progress report on the study and development of new plywood resins
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Description Data and algorithms using open source code increasingly serve as a foundation for the creation of added value in the digital economy.
 Legal Aspects of Digital IP and Data Management - Workshop Result title Legal Aspects of Digital IP and Data Management - Workshop Result description This video contains information applicable only in the context of the European Union and, in some cases, only for single countries.
 Software IP and Data Agreements - Workshop Result description This video contains information applicable only in the context of the European Union and, in some cases, only for single countries.
 Data-Driven Innovation and Exploitation - Workshop Result description This video contains information applicable only in the context of the European Union and, in some cases, only for single countries.
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Description At the heart of the iPRODUCE platform is an open digital space supported by a set of innovative tools that cover matchmaking, secure interactions, generative product design, process orchestration, agile
Comments technologies by SMEs MIE Consultation 2020 (Closed) Specific Objective 4: Human-centered and human-driven manufacturing innovation Significance of the results for SMEs Significant innovations and lessons
 iPRODUCE Digital platforms and tools of the Open Innovation Space Result title iPRODUCE Digital platforms and tools of the Open Innovation Space
 Meet Bruce and his iPRODUCE journey Result description Join Bruce as he embarks on the iPRODUCE journey and takes advantage of its social manufacturing framework and collaborative and open innovation.