Projects overview

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Description of year 2024; engage over 100 key European industry actors, (through Open Calls and workshops); transfer knowledge and technology to increase use of KYKLOS 4.0 Ecosystem to at least 50%; strengthen
Comments project_id_EC super_admin project_rcn_EC super_admin topic_EC super_admin DT-ICT-07-2018-2019 call_EC super_admin H2020-DT-2019-1 Innovation Action (IA) Project type - instrument
 Kyklos Project presentation - 22 April 2021 Result title Kyklos Project presentation - 22 April 2021
 CF Final Event: DT-ICT-07 IA Projects - KYKLOS 4.0 (Jason Mansell) Result description 23 November 2022 Result comments KYKLOS 4.0 ConnectedFactories 2
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Comments MIE Consultation 2020 (Closed) R&I Objective 2.3: Manufacturing with new and substitute materials MIE Consultation 2020 (Closed) Specific Objective 2: Circular products & Climate-neutral manufacturing
 Report on cooperation activities 2 Result title Report on cooperation activities 2
 Progress in Digital and Physical Manufacturing Result description identifier: 10.1007/978-3-030-29041-2ISBN: 978-3-030-29041-2
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Comments RP 2.10 Adaptive Process Automation and Control for a sensing shop floor FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Sub-Domain 2.2 Dynamic Production systems and Factories Domain 2: Adaptive and smart
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - INCLUSIVE (Smart and adaptive interfaces for INCLUSIVE work environment) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 2 - INCLUSIVE (Smart and adaptive interfaces for INCLUSIVE work environment) Result acronym INCLUSIVE-263199
 SILVERLINE use case: Introduction of a robotic cell in the production shop floor Result description In fact, despite SILVERLINE being a large company that exports in the entire world, it is operating in a central region of Turkey, where the population still has, on average, a low level of education.
 RP 2.1 Flexible and reconfigurable Machinery and Robots Taxon title RP 2.1 Flexible and reconfigurable Machinery and Robots
 AAA - Access, Authorisation and Authentication Taxon description ;
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Description geographically (including plants in northern and southern areas of Europe), technologically (fully & semi automated, and manual processes) and from their value chain positioning (including Tier 1, Tier 2
 TechChill Milano 2022 Result title TechChill Milano 2022 Result acronym TechChill Milano 2022
 ZDMP Cluster Workshop Result description part of HE (2025-2027) and beyond HE
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Comments project_id_EC super_admin project_rcn_EC super_admin topic_EC super_admin ICT-38-2020 call_EC super_admin H2020-ICT-2020-1 Research & Innovation Action (RIA) Project type - instrument
 AI4Manufacturing (ICT-38-2020) Project Cluster - 18 February 2022 - ConnectedFactories event Result title AI4Manufacturing (ICT-38-2020) Project Cluster - 18 February 2022 - ConnectedFactories event Result acronym AI4Manufacturing_ICT-38-2020_Project_Cluster_220218
 Real-Time Equipment Health State Prediction with LSTM Networks and Bayesian Inference Result description year: 2021
 Human-Augmented Prescriptive Analytics With Interactive Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning Result description year: 2021
 Anatomy of a Digital Assistant Result description year: 2021
 Human-AI Collaboration in Quality Control with Augmented Manufacturing Analytics Result description year: 2021
 On Efficiently Explaining Graph-Based Classifiers Result description year: 2021
 On the tractability of explaining decisions of classifiers Result description year: 2021
 Explanations for Monotonic Classifiers Result description year: 2021
 On Explaining Random Forests with SAT Result description year: 2021
 Reasoning-Based Learning of Interpretable ML Models Result description year: 2021
 Adequate and fair explanations Result description year: 2021
 Constraint-Driven Explanations of Black-Box ML Models Result description year: 2021
 A survey of bias in Machine Learning through the prism of Statistical Parity for the Adult Data Set Result description year: 2021
 A Scalable Two Stage Approach to Computing Optimal Decision Sets Result description year: 2021
 Optimizing Binary Decision Diagrams for Interpretable Machine Learning Classification Result description year: 2021
 Towards Using Digital Intelligent Assistants to Put Humans in the Loop of Predictive Maintenance Systems Result description year: 2021
 AT-Based Rigorous Explanations for Decision Lists Result description year: 2021
 Data-Driven Collaborative Human-AI Decision Making Result description year: 2021
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Organisation Steinbeis 2i GmbH of Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH
 Presentation on ICALEO 2023 Conference, title "Sensing Sound and Light for Monitoring Laser Microfabrication Processes" Result title Presentation on ICALEO 2023 Conference, title "Sensing Sound and Light for Monitoring Laser Microfabrication Processes" Result acronym Presentation on ICALEO 2023 Conference
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Comments call_EC super_admin FP7-2011-NMP-ICT-FoF Small or medium-scale focused research project (STREP) Project type - instrument
 Online demos PREMANUS pilots Result description predictive cost estimation - Remedia: customizable waste recycling services In the case of CRF, PREMANUS will help us increase the quality of incoming cores and optimize operations at the workshop level
 RP 4.8 Multi-Enterprise Role-Based Access Control (mRBAC) in manufacturing enterprises Taxon description Development of security engines that are able to enforce security rules expressed in terms of roles and permissions on shared data and services during runtime and formal specifications of role hierarchies
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Description The transition towards a Circular Economy is estimated to represent a $4.5 trillion global growth opportunity by 2030.
 2nd International Workshop on Process Management in the AI era Result title 2nd International Workshop on Process Management in the AI era
 Reducing skills and knowledge gap and empowering humans through AI Result description      It will improve the level of skills and knowledge of workers through profiling tools, suggesting actions to cover the gap among the expected level of competences. 3.
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Description The core of the ECOFACT platform as such, will be built at this high-level (Apps&Services) layer in a multi-service approach providing an innovative holistic combination of functionalities for advanced
Comments project_id_EC super_admin project_rcn_EC super_admin topic_EC super_admin DT-FOF-09-2020 call_EC super_admin H2020-NMBP-TR-IND-2020-singlestage Innovation Action (IA) Project type - instrument
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ECOFACT (ECO-innovative Energy FACTory Management System based on enhanced LCA and LCCA towards resource-efficient manufacturing) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ECOFACT (ECO-innovative Energy FACTory Management System based on enhanced LCA and LCCA towards resource-efficient manufacturing)
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Description Digital Product Passports and a Circular Economy Decision Support System will be developed as high-level tools, facilitating the trustful exchange of assets, the selection of optimum circular stock management
 Eco-design, diagnosis and maintenance for modular mobile phones Result description FAIRPHONE BV was founded in 2013 to face the social and environmental challenges of the electronics industry by providing the market with a sustainable smartphones alternative.
 FIWARE for Sustainable Value Networks in Manufacturing: Connecting Data Sharing and Interoperability, Digital Twin and AI platforms Result acronym Event 2
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Description Use cases will be incrementally validated by 2 lab trials followed by 2 field trials in iterative cycle covering significant portions of end-to-end WVC. 5G-TIMBER also includes a comprehensive business
 UC 2.3: Data driven design to production cycle optimisation Result title UC 2.3: Data driven design to production cycle optimisation
 UC 1.3: Data and AI driven industrial machines fault prediction and design support Result description Key Challenge Data aggregation, AI adaption, security and trust.
 UC 2.1: Precise localisation for production processes optimisation and human safety Result acronym 5G-TIMBER-UC 2.1
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Description This will be achieved by implementing the project platform in 2 completely different value chains, the food and drink one and the woodworking one, with 5 concurrent industrial use-cases.
Comments project_id_EC super_admin project_rcn_EC super_admin topic_EC super_admin DT-FOF-09-2020 call_EC super_admin H2020-NMBP-TR-IND-2020-singlestage Innovation Action (IA) Project type - instrument
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - E2COMATION (Life-cycle optimization of industrial energy efficiency by a distributed control and decision-making automation platform) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 2 - E2COMATION (Life-cycle optimization of industrial energy efficiency by a distributed control and decision-making automation platform)
 Pathways to Energy Efficient Manufacturing through Digitisation Result description Project Working Group) 2023Journal publisher: H2020 DT-FOF-09-2020 Project Working GroupPublished year: 2023
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Comments project_id_EC super_admin project_rcn_EC super_admin topic_EC super_admin DT-FOF-09-2020 call_EC super_admin H2020-NMBP-TR-IND-2020-singlestage Innovation Action (IA) Project type - instrument
 Data Protection in European Law. Chronicle of case law (2021) Result title Chronicle of case law (2021)
 Data Protection in European Law. Chronicle of case law (2021) Result title Chronicle of case law (2021)
 Economic and Environmental Indicators for Assessing Energy Efficiency Improvements in the Smart Manufacturing Processes Result description publisher: SpringerPublished year: 2023Published pages: 602–611DOI identifier: 10.1007/978-3-031-25448-2_56ISBN: 978-3-031-25448-2
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Comments project_id_EC super_admin project_rcn_EC super_admin topic_EC super_admin DT-FOF-08-2019 call_EC super_admin H2020-NMBP-FOF-2019 Innovation Action (IA) Project type - instrument
 Integrating AR based operator support features for reconfigurable production systems Result description publisher: ElsevierPublished year: 2022Published pages: Pages 276-281DOI identifier: 10.1016/j.procir.2022.02.191ISSN:2212-8271
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Description In line with our assumptions on impacts on productivity we therefore estimate that that we can increase job satisfaction for 800,000 European workers by the year 2025.
Comments smart manufacturing systems RP 2.11 Dynamic Manufacturing Execution Environments for their Smarter Integration into dynamic and agile factories FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Sub-Domain 2.2
 Periodic Report (2) Result title Periodic Report (2)
 Digital Work Design Result description pages: 259-264DOI identifier: 10.1007/s12599-018-0534-4ISSN:2363-7005
 Functional service repository Result acronym FACTS4WORKERS-266007
 Platform level interoperability Taxon title Platform level interoperability
 AAA - Access, Authorisation and Authentication Taxon description ;
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Description The consortium consists of 45% AENEAS, 30% ARTEMIS-IA, 25% EPOSS partners, thus bringing together all ECSEL communities.
Comments -2 call_EC super_admin H2020-ECSEL-2016-2-IA-two-stage result_rcn_EC super_admin deliverableType_EC super_admin Collaborative project (generic) Project type - instrument
 Standards Guide, version 2 Result title Standards Guide, version 2
 Increasing dependability in Safety Critical CPSs Using Reflective Statecharts Result description the pre-formated search via the search engines listed on this page.Authors: Miren Illarramendi, Leire Etxeberria, Xabier Elkorobarrutia, Goiuria SagarduiJournal title: Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security
 Standards Guide, version 1 Result acronym Productive4.0-266163