Projects overview

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Description Human Centric digital twins enabling worker monitoring for safer and trustful production processes.
 Digital Models for Human Centric AI-based Production Processes-Initial version Result title Digital Models for Human Centric AI-based Production Processes-Initial version
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - STAR (Safe and Trusted Human Centric Artificial Intelligence in Future Manufacturing Lines) Result description STAR is a joint effort of AI and digital manufacturing experts towards enabling the deployment of standard-based secure, safe reliable and trusted human centric AI systems in manufacturing environments
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Description NIMBLE will give manufacturing SMEs in Europe a stable and sustainable digital ecosystem.
Comments Apache Solr Apache Solr is a free-text indexing tool providing advanced search and navigation capabilities on the indexed data.
 Advanced Platform Infrastructure Result title Advanced Platform Infrastructure
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - NIMBLE (Collaboration Network for Industry, Manufacturing, Business and Logistics in Europe) Result description The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) will cause disruptive changes in many sectors of the global economy and IoT in manufacturing will be one of the largest segments in this emerging global market.
 Programming Frameworks – Software Development Kits (SDKs) Comments Apache Solr Apache Solr is a free-text indexing tool providing advanced search and navigation capabilities on the indexed data.
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Description REMODEL will bring new opportunities to human-intensive labor manufacturing processes like the one dealing with cables and wires, where the routing and fitting tasks are calling for advanced handling techniques
 Extending the motion planning framework—MoveIt with advanced manipulation functions for industrial applications Result title Extending the motion planning framework—MoveIt with advanced manipulation functions for industrial applications
 New model-based manipulation technique for reshaping deformable linear objects Result description Manufacturing TechnologyJournal number: 6Journal publisher: SpringerPublished year: 2022Published pages: 3575–3583DOI identifier: 10.1007/s00170-021-08107-x
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Description European manufacturing is also a dominant element in international trade, leading the world in areas such as automotive, machinery and agricultural engineering.
Comments : Advanced Manufacturing processes for smart and complex products MIE Consultation 2020 (Closed) Specific Objective 1: Excellent, responsive and smart factories & supply chains R&I Objective 1.6: Data
 A Scheduling Tool for Achieving Zero Defect Manufacturing (ZDM): A Conceptual Framework Result title A Scheduling Tool for Achieving Zero Defect Manufacturing (ZDM): A Conceptual Framework
 Periodic Reporting for period 3 - Z-Fact0r (Zero-defect manufacturing strategies towards on-line production management for European factories) Result description Nowadays, the efficiency and sustainability of the manufacturing processes of high-tech products depend on the...
 Advanced material processing technologies Taxon title Advanced material processing technologies
 Material efficiency Taxon description projects or physical processes.
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Description Consequently, the resource consumption, especially the energy consumption in manufacturing activities, can be reduced.
Comments Mechatronics and robotics technologies Technologies and enablers Data from complex production plants is acquired and used to learn models of machines and production processes which are then used for simulation
 Pick and Place Unit (PPU) Result description Because of its versatility, the PPU is able to support various production scenarios of the manufacturing domain.
 Advanced and ubiquitous human machine interaction Taxon title Advanced and ubiquitous human machine interaction
 Service-enabled Product Design Taxon description Advanced services integrated.
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Description processes.
Organisation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation (LMS) - University of Patras - PANEPISTIMIO PATRON
 Framework for accurate simulation and model-based control of hybrid manufacturing processes Result title Framework for accurate simulation and model-based control of hybrid manufacturing processes
 Technical Maturity for Industrial Deployment of Robot Demonstrators Result description Robotics (ICAR)Journal publisher: 20th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR)Published year: 2021DOI identifier: 10.1109/icar53236.2021.9659436
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Description DENiM identifies skills gaps and develops training to build competences to support energy sustainability in smart manufacturing processes through the seamless integration of digital technologies, education
 Report on Composite Digital Twins for Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing Processes Result title Report on Composite Digital Twins for Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing Processes
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - DENiM (Digital intelligence for collaborative ENergy management in Manufacturing) Result description is an integral part of the manufacturing decision processes.
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Description The ROSSINI project aims to develop a disruptive, inherently safe hardware-software solution for the design and deployment of human-robot collaboration (HRC) applications in manufacturing.
Comments human-driven manufacturing innovation More flexible production and industrial processes reorganisation  R&I Objective 3.2: Manufacturing processes and approaches near to customers or consumers
 Robot-human collaboration to empower European manufacturing Result title Robot-human collaboration to empower European manufacturing
 Periodic Reporting for period 3 - ROSSINI (RObot enhanced SenSing, INtelligence and actuation to Improve job quality in manufacturing) Result description The ROSSINI project aims to develop a disruptive, inherently safe hardware software platform for the design and deployment of human-robot collaboration (HRC) applications in manufacturing.
 Increasing human achievements in manufacturing systems Taxon title Increasing human achievements in manufacturing systems
 Business development - Access to new markets Taxon description Business development entails tasks and processes to develop and implement growth opportunities within and between organizations.
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Description Traditional manufacturing systems lack the necessary flexibility and reconfigurability that can allow short production cycles and fast deployment of the updated system.
Organisation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation (LMS) - University of Patras - PANEPISTIMIO PATRON
Comments AΙ, learning toolkit, digitization of assembling processes) - CoLLaboratE will introduce novel AGVs on shop floors with enhanced capabilities, that apart from motion planning and obstacle
 A methodology for formulating and exploiting innovative technologies for collaborative robots in a manufacturing setting Result title A methodology for formulating and exploiting innovative technologies for collaborative robots in a manufacturing setting
 Challenge 1: Performing Car Starter Assembly Result description Although “Kolektor” is not an SME, there are plenty of work processes that do not justify fixed automation, as this would elevate the production cost in low-batches production and increase
 Flexibility Taxon description Flexibility in manufacturing means the ability to deal with slightly or greatly mixed parts, to allow variation in parts assembly and variations in process sequence, change the production volume and
 Significant innovations and achievements Comments AΙ, learning toolkit, digitization of assembling processes) - CoLLaboratE will introduce novel AGVs on shop floors with enhanced capabilities, that apart from motion planning and obstacle
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Description DIY4U will address the blockers of product customisation and small-scale manufacturing by developing an Open Innovation (OI) digital B2B/B2C platform and small-scale automated manufacturing machines (fablabs
Comments responsive and smart factories & supply chains R&I Objective 1.5: Advanced Manufacturing processes for smart and complex products MIE Consultation 2020 (Closed) Specific Objective 1: Excellent, responsive
 CFD Analysis of Mixing Process of Detergents in Rotational and Displacement Vessels Result description Srivastava, Michael Groombridge and Jared HansenJournal title: ProcessesJournal number: 11(1)Journal publisher: MDPIPublished year: 2023Published pages: 29DOI identifier: 10.3390/pr11010029ISSN: 2227-9717
 Advanced material processing technologies Taxon title Advanced material processing technologies Taxon description Research is needed to ensure that novel manufacturing processes can efficiently exploit the potential of novel products for a wide range of applications.
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Comments re-usability of components and Renovation approach based on multifunctional add-on modules Recycling processes Technologies and enablers Advanced material processing technologies Measurement, sensing,
 Validation of VR based Re-Manufacturing Result title Validation of VR based Re-Manufacturing Result description Especially discrete event, using plant simulation software such as Lanner’s Witness, will be used to asses and optimize the sequencing of processes.
 Recycling processes Taxon title Recycling processes
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Description platforms, tools, methodologies, product development and manufacturing.
Organisation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation (LMS) - University of Patras - PANEPISTIMIO PATRON
Comments FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities RP 5.1 New manufacturing education methods and e-learning FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Domain 5: Human-centric manufacturing RP 5.2 Advanced Information
 Manufacturing Knowledge Management infrastructure including knowledge model Result title Manufacturing Knowledge Management infrastructure including knowledge model
 Similarity Measurement Tool Result description This demo presents the functionalities of the manufacturing knowledge management infrastructure for the reuse of manufacturing knowledge.
 RP 5.2 Advanced Information Models for knowledge creation and learning Taxon title RP 5.2 Advanced Information Models for knowledge creation and learning
 RP 5.1 New manufacturing education methods and e-learning Taxon description Innovative education methods and systems should be developed in manufacturing, able to support advanced long-life training of skilled workers.
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Description New smart fixturing devices have been developed in the project based on an active damper and advanced clamping system.
Comments MIE Consultation 2020 (Closed) Specific Objective 1: Excellent, responsive and smart factories & supply chains R&I Objective 1.5: Advanced Manufacturing processes for smart and complex products MIE Consultation
 Final Report Summary - DYNXPERTS (Plug and Produce Components for Optimum Dynamic Performance Manufacturing Systems) Result title Final Report Summary - DYNXPERTS (Plug and Produce Components for Optimum Dynamic Performance Manufacturing Systems)
 Sensor/Actuator/Hardware Result 3: HPC Absolute Dynamic Calibrator Result description They are input parameter for the simulation and calculation of cutting processes, especially process stability calculations.
 Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems Taxon description recommended under this domain aim at Future European Manufacturing Systems and Processes that adapt in an agile manner to varying market and factory demands thanks to intelligent robots and machines that
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Description Wide adoption of the new work environment in advanced manufacturing systems.
Comments Manufacturing performance characteristics Intelligent machinery components, actuators and end-effectors Technologies and enablers Mechatronics and robotics technologies Advanced and ubiquitous human
 Summary of all verification and validation processes Result title Summary of all verification and validation processes Result description Summary of all verification and validation processes
 Advanced and ubiquitous human machine interaction Taxon title Advanced and ubiquitous human machine interaction
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Description costs linked with the flows of Material, Energy and Waste (MEW) of co-evolving products and processes realized with robotic production systems.
Comments the automotive and aerospace  sector R&I Objective 1.5: Advanced Manufacturing processes for smart and complex products MIE Consultation 2020 (Closed) Specific Objective 1: Excellent, responsive
 Final Report Summary - AREUS (Automation and Robotics for EUropean Sustainabile manufacturing) Result title Final Report Summary - AREUS (Automation and Robotics for EUropean Sustainabile manufacturing)
 Single and Multi-Robot Energy Consumption simulation Result description Any mechatronic manufacturing system and/or robotic process can benefit of M-Rec.
 Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems Taxon description recommended under this domain aim at Future European Manufacturing Systems and Processes that adapt in an agile manner to varying market and factory demands thanks to intelligent robots and machines that
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Description Moreover, standardisation issues were addressed regarding the processes and the control system .
Organisation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation (LMS) - University of Patras - PANEPISTIMIO PATRON
Comments Manufacturing Processes Impact Workshop D1-Area 3: Laser-based Manufacturing Impact Workshop Domain 1 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes Number of developed systems and technologies Additional KPIs
 Cloud-based Control of Thermal Based Manufacturing Processes Result title Cloud-based Control of Thermal Based Manufacturing Processes
 Quality assessment in laser welding: a critical review Result description Manufacturing TechnologyJournal number: 94/5-8Journal publisher: Springer VerlagPublished year: 2018Published pages: 1825-1847DOI identifier: 10.1007/s00170-017-0461-4ISSN:0268-3768
 Advanced material processing technologies Taxon title Advanced material processing technologies Taxon description Research is needed to ensure that novel manufacturing processes can efficiently exploit the potential of novel products for a wide range of applications.
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Description multi-stakeholder ecosystems under an umbrella concept of collaborative Manufacturing Demonstration Facilities (cMDF).
Comments approaches; new use models R&I Objective 3.2: Manufacturing processes and approaches near to customers or consumers (including urban manufacturing) MIE Consultation 2020 (Closed) Specific Objective 3
 cMDFs manufacturing capability map and repository Result title cMDFs manufacturing capability map and repository Result description cMDFs manufacturing capability map and repository
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Description The integration of AI with advanced manufacturing technologies and systems makes it possible to exploit the full potential in the manufacturing industry by achieving a higher level of adaptability, efficiency
Organisation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation (LMS) - University of Patras - PANEPISTIMIO PATRON
 Adoption of AI In EU Manufacturing. Gaps And Challenges Result title Adoption of AI In EU Manufacturing. Gaps And Challenges
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - EU-Japan.AI (Advancing Collaboration and Exchange of Knowledge Between the EU and Japan for AI-Driven Innovation in Manufacturing) Result description The integration of AI with advanced manufacturing technologies and systems makes it possible to exploit the full potential in the manufacturing...
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Organisation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation (LMS) - University of Patras - PANEPISTIMIO PATRON
Comments Applications areas and sectors C MANUFACTURING Added value - impact - value proposition Business model aspects Factory Automation Addressed processes Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system
 UR Capabilities Result description URCaps share the same goal as LIAA; focussing on lean manufacturing and assembly by providing a platform for synergetic human-robot-interaction.
 Uniform Task Description Result comments LIAA Laboratory for Manufacturing System and Automation
 WORLD MODEL Result comments LIAA Laboratory for Manufacturing System and Automation
 OPEL Demonstrator Result comments LIAA Laboratory for Manufacturing System and Automation
 Smartwatch Application Result comments LIAA Laboratory for Manufacturing System and Automation
 Advanced and ubiquitous human machine interaction Taxon title Advanced and ubiquitous human machine interaction
 Domain 5: Human-centric manufacturing Taxon description The information must be appropriately understood and utilised by knowledge workers and stakeholders, at all levels, in the manufacturing and business processes of the manufacturing value chain.
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Description HALO will develop the next generation of materials processing lasers, which will have adaptable beams actively optimised for specific processes.
Comments Domain 1 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes Impact Workshop D1-Area 3: Laser-based Manufacturing Impact Workshop Domain 1 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes Number of patent applications Additional KPIs
 Improved glass cutting processes with ultra-short pulsed lasers using novel beam shapes and multi-spot beam patterns Result title Improved glass cutting processes with ultra-short pulsed lasers using novel beam shapes and multi-spot beam patterns Result acronym Improved glass cutting processes
 Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes Taxon title Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes Taxon description The set of research priorities under this domain focuses on innovative processes for efficient and high quality manufacturing for either both new and current materials or products.
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Description This simple manufacturing process opens avenues for a broad variety of microsystems with nano-scale features.
Comments Domain 1 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes Impact Workshop D1-Area 2: Micro and Nano-scale Manufacturing Impact Workshop Domain 1 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes D1-Area 3: Laser-based Manufacturing
 Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes Taxon title Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes Taxon description The set of research priorities under this domain focuses on innovative processes for efficient and high quality manufacturing for either both new and current materials or products.
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Comments industrial deployment of advanced manufacturing technologies by SMEs MIE Consultation 2020 (Closed) Specific Objective 4: Human-centered and human-driven manufacturing innovation Research & Innovation
 LIPSS manufacturing with regularity control through laser wavefront curvature Result title LIPSS manufacturing with regularity control through laser wavefront curvature
 Innovative method to enhance the control over the fabrication of LIPSS on metallic surfaces Result description Proceedings of Lasers in Manufacturing 2019
 Tailored femtosecond laser fabrication of reflective waveplates Result description Proceedings of Lasers in Manufacturing 2019
 Innovative method to enhance the control over the fabrication of LIPSS on metallic surfaces Result description Proceedings of Lasers in Manufacturing 2019
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Description Advanced coherent beam combining techniques will also be pursued to develop phase-coupled mini-bars with a nearly diffraction limited output power of 30W, allowing a further >4x improvement in spatial
Organisation Institute for Advanced Manufacturing - University of Nottingham
Comments Domain 1 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes Impact Workshop D1-Area 3: Laser-based Manufacturing Impact Workshop Domain 1 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes Number of developed systems and technologies
 Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes Taxon title Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes Taxon description The set of research priorities under this domain focuses on innovative processes for efficient and high quality manufacturing for either both new and current materials or products.
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Description The cerAMfacturing project will develop a completely new approach for ceramic multi material additive manufacturing which will allow series production of customised and multifunctional components for manifold
Comments manufacturing processes FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Domain 6: Customer-focused manufacturing FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities
 Thermoplastic 3D Printing-An Additive Manufacturing Method for Producing Dense Ceramics Result title Thermoplastic 3D Printing-An Additive Manufacturing Method for Producing Dense Ceramics
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CerAMfacturing (Development of ceramic and multi material components by additive manufacturing methods for personalized medical products) Result description Goal of the CerAMfacturing project was to develop a completely new approach for ceramic multi material additive manufacturing which allow series production of customized and multifunctional components
 Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes Taxon title Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes Taxon description The set of research priorities under this domain focuses on innovative processes for efficient and high quality manufacturing for either both new and current materials or products.
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Organisation Institute for Advanced Manufacturing - University of Nottingham
Comments Domain 1 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes Impact Workshop D1-Area 4: High-precision Production Technologies Impact Workshop Domain 1 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes Specific Clusters Impact Workshop
 Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes Taxon title Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes Taxon description The set of research priorities under this domain focuses on innovative processes for efficient and high quality manufacturing for either both new and current materials or products.
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Description The specific industrial objectives are: Getting machines that work as designed faster (10% reduction) Getting production processes that work as planned faster (20% reduction) To get a first-time-right
Comments : Advanced Manufacturing processes for smart and complex products MIE Consultation 2020 (Closed) Specific Objective 1: Excellent, responsive and smart factories & supply chains R&I Objective 1.6: Data
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - TWIN-CONTROL (Twin-model based virtual manufacturing for machine tool-process simulation and control) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 2 - TWIN-CONTROL (Twin-model based virtual manufacturing for machine tool-process simulation and control)
 Machine Tool Digital Twin with Life Cycle features Result description A new approach to simulate machining processes has been developed based in SAMCEF Mecano FEM solver.
 Engineering tools Taxon description creative application of science, mathematical methods, and empirical evidence to the innovation, design, construction, operation and maintenance of structures, machines, materials, devices, systems, processes
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Description HiPr will therefore help in assuring a competitive and sustainable European manufacturing industry.
Comments Domain 1 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes Impact Workshop D1-Area 4: High-precision Production Technologies Impact Workshop Domain 1 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes Specific Clusters Impact Workshop
  15t Press micro-manufacturing pilot line Result title 15t Press micro-manufacturing pilot line
 Sensorized precision tool for metal stamping Result description Laser ablation production processes have been investigated and results are under evaluation.
 Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes Taxon title Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes Taxon description The set of research priorities under this domain focuses on innovative processes for efficient and high quality manufacturing for either both new and current materials or products.
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Description Proposal abstractThe FOCUS project will build upon the fundament of five existing FoF Clusters, Zero Defect Manufacturing (4ZDM), Robotics, Clean factory, Precision Micro Production Technologies (High
Comments Domain 1 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes Impact Workshop D1-Area 4: High-precision Production Technologies Impact Workshop Domain 1 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes Domain 2 - Adaptive and Smart
 Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes Taxon title Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes Taxon description The set of research priorities under this domain focuses on innovative processes for efficient and high quality manufacturing for either both new and current materials or products.