Projects overview

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Comments Applications areas and sectors C MANUFACTURING Added value - impact - value proposition Business model aspects Factory Automation Addressed processes Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system
 WORLD MODEL Result title WORLD MODEL Result description The World Model is a dynamic model that represents the current state of the system at any given point and it is responsible for updating the status of the resources and the progress of the tasks, for both

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Comments technologies Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies Knowledge-workers and operators Technologies and enablers System modelling
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Comments Research priorities Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories Domain 4: Collaborative and mobile enterprises FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities RP 4.1 Cloud-based Manufacturing Business
 Reference model for collaborative service provision and innovation Result title Reference model for collaborative service provision and innovation Result acronym Reference model for collaborative service provision and innovation
 The GloNet Workflow System Result description The GloNet Platform thereby profits from the Workflow system in using defined and modelled processes in order to save time on day-to-day business operations and to reduce common mis-takes in forgetting
 RP 4.1 Cloud-based Manufacturing Business Web for Supply Network Collaboration Taxon title RP 4.1 Cloud-based Manufacturing Business Web for Supply Network Collaboration
 Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories Taxon description At process level complex numerical models, like highly non linear FEM models from multistage processes including temperature cycles and functional behaviour become more and more a part of the innovation
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Comments Partnership SRIA Research priorities RP 5.1 New manufacturing education methods and e-learning FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Domain 5: Human-centric manufacturing RP 5.2 Advanced Information Models
 Unified Model for Virtual Training Result title Unified Model for Virtual Training Result acronym Unified Model for Virtual Training
 Data Import, Filter and Mapping Result description Manufacturing information in companies is modeled in various heterogeneous forms.
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Description and new beam shapes -New approaches to adaptable hollow beam sources at new wavelengths -Techniques for beam shaping and forming -Process optimisation for adaptable beam processing using IT-based meta-models
Comments Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Sub-Domain 1.3: Business models and strategies for disruptive manufacturing processes FoF Partnership SRIA Research
 Meta-models developed for metal, glass and liquid-jet cutting Result title Meta-models developed for metal, glass and liquid-jet cutting Result acronym Meta-models
 Sub-Domain 1.3: Business models and strategies for disruptive manufacturing processes Taxon title Sub-Domain 1.3: Business models and strategies for disruptive manufacturing processes
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Comments Interaction with other digital platforms Business model aspects Business ecosystems associated to digital platforms Business ecosystems SIEMENS Process Simulate.
 Economic sustainability Taxon description Economic sustainability is the component of sustainability where the focus is on commercial competitiveness and the ability to do be successful from the business perspective.
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Comments models and strategies for disruptive manufacturing processes FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes project_id_EC super_admin project_rcn_EC super_admin
 Sub-Domain 1.3: Business models and strategies for disruptive manufacturing processes Taxon title Sub-Domain 1.3: Business models and strategies for disruptive manufacturing processes
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Comments MIE Consultation 2020 (Closed) Specific Objective 3: New integrated business, product-service and production approaches; new use models secure and encrypted data communication R&I Objective 4.1
 AREUS LCA METHODS VIRTUAL LAB Result description A 3D virtual factory model and a scenario are used to demonstrate the integration of enhanced LCA methods into factory planning software for operative use.
 System modelling - digital twins, simulation Taxon title System modelling - digital twins, simulation
 RP 3.12 Design and management of manufacturing strategies Taxon description model level.
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Description How can reliability, repair and EOL be included in a robust and integrated Life Cycle Cost and Life Cycle Assessment model of the factory?
Comments resource-efficient factories FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities RP 3.14 De-Manufacturing factories FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories System modelling
 Integrated framework for a cost-effective and EASE of Repair, Renovation and Re-use of machine tools within modern factory Result description - Model-based system extended by self-learning system.
 RP 3.14 De-Manufacturing factories Taxon description business.
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Description In addition to these, first kind of multiscale modelling technique and software modules for the modelling of electrical-field activated sintering and forming have been developed, which is able to link
Comments materials (cermaics and metals) engineered in size , shape and structure to the micro-FAST process Information and communication technologies Technologies and enablers Machine control and remote control, modelling
 Multiscale modelling methods and the software for the analysis of the Micro-FAST process Result title Multiscale modelling methods and the software for the analysis of the Micro-FAST process
 Parts and components developed in the project: watch components; permanent magnets; shape memory alloy components; and piezo-ceramic parts Result description The whole supply chain is involved which supports the scaling up and the business development towards an industrial production system for the micro-manufacturing sector.
 System modelling - digital twins, simulation Taxon title System modelling - digital twins, simulation
 Economic sustainability Taxon description Economic sustainability is the component of sustainability where the focus is on commercial competitiveness and the ability to do be successful from the business perspective.
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Description Fortissimo will be driven by end-user requirements where (~50) business-relevant application experiments will be used to develop, test and demonstrate both the infrastructure and the "one-stop pay-per-use
Organisation Scientific Computing & Modelling N.V.
 Cloud-based environmental modelling Result title Cloud-based environmental modelling
 Cloud-based correlation between simulation and tests for mechatronics Result description Sharing a simulation with business partners in a unified manner without exposing the know-how was satisfactorily demonstrated during the experiment.
 RP 3.3 Integrated High-performance Computing in Factory Life Cycle Management Taxon description systems, worker inputs and variable business factors.
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Comments SRIA Research priorities Sub-Domain 1.1 Processing novel materials and structures (into products) FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes Sub-Domain 1.3: Business
 Vision based laser cutting for patterned fabrics Result description The objectives of the assessment are: Develop fixing system for laser cutting of light deformable fabrics adaptive to different materials with inhomogeneous properties Invent a model based vision system
 Sub-Domain 1.3: Business models and strategies for disruptive manufacturing processes Taxon title Sub-Domain 1.3: Business models and strategies for disruptive manufacturing processes
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Description plug-and-produce capabilities into automation devices, robots and machines, enabling vertical and horizontal connectivity between plug-and-produce automation components and higher level control and business
 Open Innovation Plug&Produce Component Business Model Result title Open Innovation Plug&Produce Component Business Model Result description This deliverable will detail the open innovation based business model developed for openMOS and its wider community of developers, component providers and end users.
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Comments Business model aspects of digital platform deployment Business model aspects Business models A results-oriented approach driven by commercial offers with market tension for each of the
 Empirical evaluation of contextual policy search with a comparison-based surrogate model and active covariance matrix adaptation Result title Empirical evaluation of contextual policy search with a comparison-based surrogate model and active covariance matrix adaptation
 Business model aspects of digital platform deployment Taxon title Business model aspects of digital platform deployment
 Economic sustainability Taxon description Economic sustainability is the component of sustainability where the focus is on commercial competitiveness and the ability to do be successful from the business perspective.
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Description The proposed adaptive automation solutions are based on a dynamic user model that includes physical and cognitive abilities.
Comments Human-centric manufacturing RP 5.11 Demonstrating smart factories that attract people FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Domain 5: Human-centric manufacturing Added value - impact - value proposition Business
 Dynamic worker model Result title Dynamic worker model
 Factory2Fit Dynamic Worker Model Result description The model also includes the production system and environment where the workers are working. Result acronym Factory2Fit Dynamic Worker Model
 RP 3.1 Integrated factory models for evolvable manufacturing systems Taxon title RP 3.1 Integrated factory models for evolvable manufacturing systems
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Comments model aspects Software development and ownership model Data acquisition Technologies and enablers Data collection, storage, analytics, processing and AI Information and communication technologies Data
 Summary of human model methodology to select operator grouped by tasks Result title Summary of human model methodology to select operator grouped by tasks Result description Summary of human model methodology to select operator grouped by tasks..
 Human capabilities measurement Result acronym Model for human behavior
 RP 5.2 Advanced Information Models for knowledge creation and learning Taxon title RP 5.2 Advanced Information Models for knowledge creation and learning
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Comments model aspects Business ecosystems associated to digital platforms Business ecosystems Real-time communication capability ICT performance characteristics Skills and training aspects Significant innovations
 RP 5.2 Advanced Information Models for knowledge creation and learning Taxon title RP 5.2 Advanced Information Models for knowledge creation and learning
 Product quality - Quality assurance Taxon description (from Quality assurance (QA) is a way of preventing mistakes and
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 On the Cost of Cyber Security in Smart Business Result title On the Cost of Cyber Security in Smart Business
 Productive 4.0: Mondragon Collaboration Use Case (video) Result description In addition, a methodology to evolve from "Product based Business model " to "Service-based Business model" has been defined.

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Description combine them into effective integration into the development process enabling such powerful simulations like “digital twins” that ever more govern the hardware, manufacturing service and business
 Benefits of Digitalization for Business Processes in Semiconductor Manufacturing Result title Benefits of Digitalization for Business Processes in Semiconductor Manufacturing
 Presentation: Two Worlds - Common Concept? Result description SurmannJournal title: European Network for Business and Industrial StatisticsJournal publisher: ENBISPublished year: 2019
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Description The EMB3Rs platform will then autonomously and intuitively assess the feasibility of new business scenarios and identify the technical solutions.
 Excess heat regulations, contracts and business models– with a special focus on excess heat opportunities in Denmark Result title Excess heat regulations, contracts and business models– with a special focus on excess heat opportunities in Denmark
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - EMB3Rs (User-driven Energy-Matching & Business prospection tool for industrial Excess heat/cold Reduction, Recovery and Redistribution) Result description The research project EMB3Rs (User-driven Energy-Matching & Business Prospection Tool for Industrial Excess Heat/Cold Reduction, Recovery and Redistribution) aims to develop a planning tool – the EMB3Rs
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Description XMANAI, demonstrated in 4 real-life manufacturing cases, will help the manufacturing value chain to shift towards the amplifying AI era by coupling (hybrid and graph) AI 'glass box' models that
 Draft Catalogue of XMANAI AI and Graph Machine Learning Models Result title Draft Catalogue of XMANAI AI and Graph Machine Learning Models
 State of the Art Review in XMANAI Research Domains Result description touched by XMANAI delivering a list of concepts methods and tools that will be further considered by the project for the implementation of both the XMANAI methodology the platform and the algorithms and models