Projects overview

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Description society itself, can be summarised in the following (with a horizon of 4 years after project ends): increase of the material and re-source efficiency by 11.5%, increased reliability by 16% of the equipment
Comments For that, a series of 10 protocols will be created, which will guide manufacturers in the path to modernize their equipment focusing on 4 main technical blocks: CPSization, Knowledge management or data
 Incorporation of AUTOWARE and other Operating system into LEVEL-UP Digital Automation OS Result title Incorporation of AUTOWARE and other Operating system into LEVEL-UP Digital Automation OS
 Specific Objective 2: Circular products & Climate-neutral manufacturing Comments For that, a series of 10 protocols will be created, which will guide manufacturers in the path to modernize their equipment focusing on 4 main technical blocks: CPSization, Knowledge management or data
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Comments Applications areas and sectors C MANUFACTURING C30.3 Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery Applications areas and sectors C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment C MANUFACTURING
 Data Management Plan Result description Plan describing the collection and use of data in the project and in particular how and which data will be made available to other researchers after the end of the project.
 C28 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. Taxon title C28 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.
 Cognitive and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies - machine learning Taxon description Colloquially, the term "artificial intelligence" is used to describe machines that mimic "cognitive" functions that humans associate with other human minds, such as "learning"
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Description up-to-date and advanced facilities based on three main modules: a tool-manufacturing module, which involves different technologies for micro-nano direct manufacturing, an injection-moulding module, including equipment
  Contact-free sensor for pressure measurements in mould cavities. Result description This is the case where no whitness marks are allowed on a part or when other influencing parameters than pressure need to be measured.
 RP 1.7 High Volume Manufacturing at the micro- and nano-scale Taxon description The combination of different technologies to obtain the final product introduces system level problems such as the transport of micro-parts, the coherence of the reference system in the different production
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 Flexible OLED demonstrator made using a roll-to-roll produced moisture barrier as substrate Result description The barrier film was produced roll-to-roll and temporarily bonded to a glass carrier for sheet-to-sheet deposition of the electrode and OLED layers, using a pilot chain of tools and equipment at various
 RP 1.2 Advanced joining technologies for advanced and multi-materials Taxon description The latter should be supported by appropriate simulations of both equipment and manufactured parts.
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Description industrial areas (white goods, metrological engineering and elevators production) and investigate applicability in steel parts production industry (extended-demonstration activities) checking the link to other
Comments as water, air, lubricants, other.
 Metrology Equipment Use Case Result title Metrology Equipment Use Case Result description Metrological equipment is essential for quality control and in-line inspection in manufacturing processes.
 Reducing the consumption of water and other process resources. Taxon title Reducing the consumption of water and other process resources.
 RP 5.4 New ways of interaction and collaboration between workers and other resources in manufacturing systems Taxon description The expected and extensive collaboration between future knowledge workers and robots (as well as other advanced automation equipment) will be crucial for successful human-centric manufacturing.
 Reduction of material consumption (in %) Comments as water, air, lubricants, other.
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Comments transport equipment C MANUFACTURING Product quality - Quality assurance Manufacturing performance characteristics Economic sustainability Simulation Addressed processes Prediction - forecasting Addressed
 Cloud-based simulation for vehicle engineering Result description However, simulating airflow with the required degree of accuracy requires computing power beyond the reach of most designers, mainly due to the capital costs of the equipment.
 C28 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. Taxon title C28 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.
 Cognitive and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies - machine learning Taxon description Colloquially, the term "artificial intelligence" is used to describe machines that mimic "cognitive" functions that humans associate with other human minds, such as "learning"
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Description SHAREWORK technology has been demonstrated in four different industrial cases: for railway, automotive, mechanical machining and equipment goods sectors.
 ALSTOM – Railway Industrial Scenario - Human-Robot Collaboration to improve trains’ manufacturing processes Result description Present in around 100 countries is nowadays the world leader in high-speed transport.
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Comments   However, another implication is that new rules are being developed within SHOP4CF to address novel issues related to privacy, security, safety, legal aspects, or data ownership.
 Utilisation of AR/VR communication & remote sensing Technologies for Technical Support between Remote Plants of Arçelik Result description transport and travel needs) and reduce the error-rate caused by humans.
 R&I Objective 4.1: Digital platforms and engineering tools supporting creativity and productivity of manufacturing development Comments   However, another implication is that new rules are being developed within SHOP4CF to address novel issues related to privacy, security, safety, legal aspects, or data ownership.

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Comments topic_EC super_admin FOF-12-2017 call_EC super_admin H2020-FOF-2017 deliverableType_EC super_admin result_rcn_EC super_admin Innovation Action (IA) Project type - instrument Validation experiments - equipment
 Overhead transport to tackle lack of floor space in the factory Result title Overhead transport to tackle lack of floor space in the factory Result description Read their full story here:
 Validation experiments - equipment assessments (I4MS) Taxon title Validation experiments - equipment assessments (I4MS)
 Advanced and ubiquitous human machine interaction Taxon description Interactions with ICT infrastructures and equipment will be natural language-like
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Description Consequently, UPTIME will exploit the full potential of predictive maintenance management and its interactions with other industrial operations by investigating a unified methodology and by implementing
Comments SENSE addresses 3 high level functions: Sensor signal processing, which collects the signals from equipment or other sensors, and pre-processes them before transmitting them on the cloud
 FTT use case: Transportation Logistics Result description It is used to transport large components of aircraft wings over land, water and in the air, thus it is subject to high environmental stress.
 Other eco-system aspects Taxon title Other eco-system aspects
 Advanced and ubiquitous human machine interaction Taxon description Interactions with ICT infrastructures and equipment will be natural language-like
 Edge computing Comments SENSE addresses 3 high level functions: Sensor signal processing, which collects the signals from equipment or other sensors, and pre-processes them before transmitting them on the cloud
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 Mobile support for production line equipment testing to speed up time-to-factory Result title Mobile support for production line equipment testing to speed up time-to-factory Result description One of the main issues that the commissioning engineers and maintenance staff face while working on the shop-floor is the production line equipment testing and certification.
 Domain 4: Collaborative and mobile enterprises Taxon description Remote service management will help improve equipment up-time, reduce costs such as travel for servicing, increase service efficiency – like first-visit-fix-rates – and accelerate innovation processes,
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Description the metal mechanic sector, through the full validation of new business models that allow the collaboration of companies in the whole value chain in order to reduce global impacts in terms of energy and other
Comments Applications areas and sectors C MANUFACTURING C29 Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers Applications areas and sectors C MANUFACTURING C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment
 C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment Taxon title C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment
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Comments Applications areas and sectors C MANUFACTURING C30.2 Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock Applications areas and sectors C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment C MANUFACTURING
 Single and Multi-Robot Energy Consumption simulation Result description The software is white-box (open source) and modular (each subcomponent can be changed without affecting other components).
 C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment Taxon title C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment
 RP 2.9 Multi-disciplinary engineering tools for mechatronics engineering Taxon description Multidisciplinary modelling and virtual validation of manufacturing equipment at design stage, prior to any actual manufacturing step, is the key for ensuring proper performance of such equipment without
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Description Safety of the human worker as well as reduction of health risks through physical support by the robotized equipment will contribute to better overall manufacturing processes.
Comments transport equipment Applications areas and sectors C MANUFACTURING C30.2 Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock Applications areas and sectors C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment
 WFM middleware and related auxiliary modules Result description This module will provide algorithms to efficient correlate the data and provide them for further actions to all other system modules, i.e.
 C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment Taxon title C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment
 Business ecosystems associated to digital platforms Taxon description other platforms to contribute.
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Description The container format allows transport to provide on-site manufacturing anywhere, enabling the benefits of localised service delivery without duplication of equipment at multiple locations.
Comments Applications areas and sectors C MANUFACTURING C28 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.
 C27 Manufacture of electrical equipment Taxon title C27 Manufacture of electrical equipment
 RP 1.3 Automated production of thermoset and thermoplastic composite structures/products Taxon description The latter should be supported by appropriate simulations of both equipment and manufactured parts.
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Comments transport equipment Applications areas and sectors C MANUFACTURING C29 Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers Applications areas and sectors C MANUFACTURING project_id_EC super_admin
 (KER G5)Service solution for Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) of Robot Cells Result description This is where KINEs know-how of critical components and other factors comes in. KINE will offer a complete maintenance package to the client including remote monitoring and CbM.
 C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment Taxon title C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment
 RP 3.2 Intelligent maintenance systems for increased reliability of production systems Taxon description Furthermore, the improvements in the equipment health state will entail significant energy savings.
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Description Producing parts that do not meet the requirements leads to negative economic impacts, from wasted manufacturing resources to the need of more expensive equipment for manufacturing and quality control.
Comments Applications areas and sectors C MANUFACTURING C22 Manufacture of rubber and plastic products Applications areas and sectors C MANUFACTURING C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment Applications
 SARIX Result description On the other hand, the hybrid laser ablation + micro-EDM process used for the drilling of turbine blades has been analysed too during the project.
 C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment Taxon title C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment
 Advanced and ubiquitous human machine interaction Taxon description Interactions with ICT infrastructures and equipment will be natural language-like
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Description At the line control level a service oriented architecture will enable: Autonomous communication between resources for deciding on adaptation actions The effortless integration of new equipment.
Comments Applications areas and sectors C MANUFACTURING C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment Applications areas and sectors C MANUFACTURING C25 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery
 Flexible gripper as a whole product Result description If other subassemblies are to be handled, then it requires tool changing. So, setup time will increase. The robots have fixed location.
 C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment Taxon title C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment
 Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems Taxon description The set of research priorities under this domain focuses on innovative manufacturing equipment at component and system level, including mechatronics, control and monitoring systems The research priorities
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Comments transport equipment Applications areas and sectors C MANUFACTURING C30.3 Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery Applications areas and sectors C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment
 C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment Taxon title C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment
 RP 1.3 Automated production of thermoset and thermoplastic composite structures/products Taxon description The latter should be supported by appropriate simulations of both equipment and manufactured parts.
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Comments Applications areas and sectors C MANUFACTURING C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment Applications areas and sectors C MANUFACTURING C30.2 Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock
 RE-FORM boards and tooling Result description The boards and stock shapes can be used for parts, for construction of matched CTE fixtures and other applications where flat boards and flat-pack assemblies are advantageous
 C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment Taxon title C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment
 RP 1.2 Advanced joining technologies for advanced and multi-materials Taxon description The latter should be supported by appropriate simulations of both equipment and manufactured parts.
 RP 1.3 Automated production of thermoset and thermoplastic composite structures/products Taxon description The latter should be supported by appropriate simulations of both equipment and manufactured parts.
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Description how impressed they were with how well partners from industry, research and education had collaborated together and that the COMET project should be looked upon as a shining example and benchmark for other
Comments Verification of robot-kinematics C MANUFACTURING Applications areas and sectors C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment Applications areas and sectors C MANUFACTURING C30.3 Manufacture of
 Robotic machining of hard steel injection and resin thermoforming moulds and dies Result description The Food Bowl Mould part was chosen to test COMET approach on machining softer materials typical of thermoforming moulds, which is another important sector in moulding industry.
 C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment Taxon title C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment
 Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems Taxon description The set of research priorities under this domain focuses on innovative manufacturing equipment at component and system level, including mechatronics, control and monitoring systems The research priorities
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Description foreseen at the centre of the factory, on the one hand, in terms of workplace adaptation (and production planning, at large) to skills, expertise and characteristic of each single worker and, on the other
Comments Applications areas and sectors C MANUFACTURING C30.2 Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock Applications areas and sectors C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment C MANUFACTURING
 C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment Taxon title C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment
 Reducing the consumption of water and other process resources. Taxon description Reduction of resources other than energy (materials, water, etc.)
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Comments Applications areas and sectors C MANUFACTURING C29 Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers Applications areas and sectors C MANUFACTURING C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment
 D3.7: Software Integration Report II Result description who may perform other similar projects
 D3.6: Software Integration Report I Result description who may perform other similar projects
 C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment Taxon title C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment
 Advanced materials in manufacturing systems Taxon description Increased smartness in the manufacturing equipment also enables a systems approach with machines able to learn from each other and impacting on the human-machine interface.