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Pilot - Batteries

Project: DigiPrime

Updated at: 03-02-2022

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Description Overall approach (focus on the innovation sources) For its high remaining value, both in terms of availability of precious and critical raw materials (as lithium and cobalt), several solutions have

Integrated Artificial Intelligence


Updated at: 25-05-2021

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Description Due to FA3D2’s highly flexible nature, it is an extremely complex system with many sources of variability which require understanding and compensating for.
Product Tensorflow, an end-to-end open source machine learning platform
Comments Siemens MindSphere Tensorflow, an end-to-end open source machine learning platform Grafana FA3D2 FLEXCELLE United Kingdom Nottingham

CPPS Open Platform

Project: BEinCPPS

Updated at: 07-02-2019

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Title CPPS Open Platform
Description The software assets of the toolbox are all Open Source licensed components and can be grouped in 6 main categories, as indicated by the picture above .

H-R station controller

Project: X-ACT

Updated at: 22-06-2018

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Description Easy integration of different software modules and sensors data Reduce programming effort of software developers by enabling the collaboration under a common framework Open source architecture where

Sabre Open-CN Platform


Updated at: 22-06-2018

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Acronym Sabre Open-CN Platform
Title Sabre Open-CN Platform
Description It contains an open-source controller based on a PC architecture (Win & Linux) suitable to multiple applications and compatibles to different devices.