Projects overview

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Description the secure and seamless exchange of manufacturing/product/business data within value-networks in a circular-economy ecosystem; 3) integrating novel hardware technologies into the digital thread, to
Organisation Eindhoven University of Technology
 2nd International Workshop on Process Management in the AI era Result title 2nd International Workshop on Process Management in the AI era
 Circular Data Space Result description An IDS-based data space to promote and facilitate the collection, ownership, and secure exchange of manufacturing / product / business data within value-networks.
 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering Result comments AUTO-TWIN New Zealand Auckland
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Description The autonomous software agents of the platform will be capable of undertaking a series of everyday activities towards accelerating the product design and manufacturing process, enabling new products to
Organisation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation (LMS) - University of Patras - PANEPISTIMIO PATRON
Comments Manufacturing the products of the future Manufacturing future products Customised products Manufacturing future products Manufacturing the products of the future Social sustainability Manufacturing performance
 Manufacturing Knowledge Management infrastructure including knowledge model Result title Manufacturing Knowledge Management infrastructure including knowledge model
 Similarity Measurement Tool Result description This demo presents the functionalities of the manufacturing knowledge management infrastructure for the reuse of manufacturing knowledge.
 Manufacturing the products of the future Taxon title Manufacturing the products of the future
 RP 5.1 New manufacturing education methods and e-learning Taxon description New ICT frameworks for realizing a 2-way knowledge communication channel between the factory (real life manufacturing) and the academic site / classroom.
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Description Both factors in the end limit the possibility of reliable and cost effective manufacturing of MEMS and micro-components.
 An Outline of a Complementary Inspection System for Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) Devices Based on Radiography and Plenoptic Camera Result title An Outline of a Complementary Inspection System for Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) Devices Based on Radiography and Plenoptic Camera
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CITCOM (A Complimentary Inspection Technique based on Computer Tomography and Plenoptic Camera for MEMS Components) Result description The last category represents currently the bulk of the MEMS devices (e.g...
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Description Uptake of the resulting packages and of the provided services is strongly supported by the clear characterisation and market readiness of the individual components as well as by the platform grounding
Organisation University of applied sciences and arts of southern switzerland (SUPSI)
 Generalised requirements and business processes Result title Generalised requirements and business processes
 Technology trend analysis Result description Mapping of current and planned RD showing skills and competencies that manufacturing industries will need in the future
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Description exchange of knowledge between product design, service design and manufacturing, as well as customers and other relevant organisations across the value chain, distributed all over the globe.
Organisation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation (LMS) - University of Patras - PANEPISTIMIO PATRON
Comments value networks MIE Consultation 2020 (Closed) Specific Objective 3: New integrated business, product-service and production approaches; new use models
 State of the Art Update Result title State of the Art Update
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - DIVERSITY (Cloud Manufacturing and Social Software Based Context Sensitive Product-Service Engineering Environment for Globally Distributed Enterprise) Result description exchange of knowledge between product design, service design and...
 RP 6.12 Implementation of creativity and user-driven innovation through flexible design and manufacturing processes Taxon title RP 6.12 Implementation of creativity and user-driven innovation through flexible design and manufacturing processes
 Domain 6: Customer-focused manufacturing Taxon description It focuses on the links between the business, customers, and the environment, in formulating a requirements specification by incorporating both the ‘voice of the customer’ and the ‘voice of the environment
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Description Another important activity of the project will be the preparation of a business plan to sustain the network after the end of the project funding.
Organisation Budapest University of Technology and Economics
 The application of virtual reality in programming of a manufacturing cell Result title The application of virtual reality in programming of a manufacturing cell
 Report on metrics for validation and results of internal demonstrations Result description and to identify the weakest points and potentially critical KPIs for the manufacturing solutions Using the results of this evaluation analysis we will provide guidelines for the improvement of the potential
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Description The resilience of manufacturing operations will be enhanced by better anticipating the demand changes and providing more flexibility to act, thanks to the digital tools and modular and flexible structure
 Automation of products' sorting and distribution for olives provider Result title Automation of products' sorting and distribution for olives provider Result description Their production supply chain consists of several stages, most of them performed manually, from the olives reception to their packaging and palletization for their further delivery to the consumers
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Description (b) gain increased awareness on new applications of robotics, sensor and laser systems and simulation solutions. (c) acquire best innovation practices in ICT for manufacturing technology take-up.
Organisation Institute of Applied Physics of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
Comments Workshop Domain 3 - Digital, Virtual and Resource-efficient Factories Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems
 Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems Taxon title Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems
 Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes Taxon description The emphasis of new materials and to some extent existing materials is on manufacturing at scale, whilst achieving the flexibility and responsiveness needed to accommodate changes in market demand.
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Description Fast programming and automatic execution of new tasks by a) automatically generating the robot program for new products and b) applying skills over the perceived environment to determine required adaptations
Organisation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation (LMS) - University of Patras - PANEPISTIMIO PATRON
Comments innovations and lessons learned, training aspects Business model aspects of digital platform deployment Business model aspects Business models Added value - impact - value proposition Business model
 THOMAS Network of Resources and Station Controller Result title THOMAS Network of Resources and Station Controller
 THOMAS H-R safe interaction modules-Final Version Result description THOMAS H-R safe interaction modules–Final Version: Final version of the mechanism allowing the interaction between humans and robots in the THOMAS scenarios
 RP 5.4 New ways of interaction and collaboration between workers and other resources in manufacturing systems Taxon title RP 5.4 New ways of interaction and collaboration between workers and other resources in manufacturing systems
 RP 3.13 Integration of design methods and tools Taxon description The integration of methods and tools requires the interoperability between the various models dealing with specific problem in the factory hierarchy.
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Description There is an increasing pressure on European SMEs to deliver high quality, often customised products using cost effective manufacturing processes and systems while competing in the global market.
Organisation Institute for Advanced Manufacturing - University of Nottingham
Comments IoT - Internet of Things Technologies and enablers Information and communication technologies Considering that industry may be slow at adopting new control and manufacturing technologies, PRIME was designed
 Final Report Summary - PRIME (Plug and PRoduce Intelligent Multi Agent Environment based on Standard Technology) Result title Final Report Summary - PRIME (Plug and PRoduce Intelligent Multi Agent Environment based on Standard Technology)
 RP 2.2 Embedded cognitive functions for supporting the use of machinery and robot systems in changing shop floor environments Taxon title RP 2.2 Embedded cognitive functions for supporting the use of machinery and robot systems in changing shop floor environments
 Integration of non-conventional technologies and conventional technologies Taxon description Integration of non-conventional technologies (e.g. laser, ultrasonic) towards the development of new multifunctional manufacturing processes (including in process concept: inspection, thermal treatment
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Description Business Model and a Business Plan that will be further elaborated through the project.
Comments Manufacturing the products of the future Manufacturing future products Customised products Manufacturing future products Manufacturing the products of the future Economic sustainability Manufacturing
 Scenario analysis and specification and configuration of the scenarios at the end users Result title Scenario analysis and specification and configuration of the scenarios at the end users
 Vision based proximity monitoring Result description Provided the URDF of the robot, the component publishes a ROS message in a topic with the minimum distance between the object and the robot.
 Manufacturing the products of the future Taxon title Manufacturing the products of the future
 RP 2.3 Symbiotic Safe and Productive human robot interaction, professional Service Robots and Multimodal Human-Machine-Robot Collaboration Taxon description Immersive and symbiotic collaboration between human workers and robots leads to a more efficient and flexible manufacturing environment.
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Description The MAN-MADE project aims at defining new socially sustainable workplaces where the human dimension is a key cornerstone.
Organisation University of applied sciences and arts of southern switzerland (SUPSI)
Comments 2.1 Adaptive and smart manufacturing devices, components and machines Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems MAN-MADE adopts the use of cobots as one of the means for achieving the adaptive
 Final Report Summary - MAN-MADE (MANufacturing through ergonoMic and safe Anthropocentric aDaptive workplacEs for context aware factories in EUROPE) Result title Final Report Summary - MAN-MADE (MANufacturing through ergonoMic and safe Anthropocentric aDaptive workplacEs for context aware factories in EUROPE)
 Anthropometric Scanning Tool Result description Knowing both measurement points in the images the coordinate is calculated in 3D-Space and distances between two respective measurement points can be calculated with highly precision.
 Domain 5: Human-centric manufacturing Taxon description The information must be appropriately understood and utilised by knowledge workers and stakeholders, at all levels, in the manufacturing and business processes of the manufacturing value chain.
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Description Therefore, it challenges the community to reinvent the business models and explore the implications of AM adoption.
Organisation European Regions Research and Innovation Network
Comments project_id_EC super_admin project_rcn_EC super_admin topic_EC super_admin FOF-05-2016 call_EC super_admin H2020-FOF-2016 deliverableType_EC super_admin result_rcn_EC super_admin Coordination and support
 Models of business collaboration Result title Models of business collaboration
 Models of business collaboration-draft report Result title Models of business collaboration
 Collaboration models -Implementation strategy Result description Validation of the proposed business models and product design and manufacturing paradigms (Task 4.1 and 4.2) with industrial stakeholders.
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Description , reducing the efforts needed to switch between product types and production quantities.
Organisation Tampere University of Technology
Comments Number of new skills and/or job profiles Additional KPIs Number of new training offerings or curricula developed Additional KPIs Number of project results taken-up for higher TRLs using additional
 Formal Resource and Capability Models supporting Re-use of Manufacturing Resources Result title Formal Resource and Capability Models supporting Re-use of Manufacturing Resources
 Architecture for data models and information exchange Result description The deliverable provides consensus on integration designs and responsibilities of the tools used within the project, and maps suitable data models and information exchange interfaces between them.
 RP 2.6 Mechatronics and new machine architectures for high performance and resource-efficient manufacturing equipment Taxon title RP 2.6 Mechatronics and new machine architectures for high performance and resource-efficient manufacturing equipment
 Web Ontology Language (OWL) Taxon description The W3C Web Ontology Language (OWL) is a Semantic Web language designed to represent rich and complex knowledge about things, groups of things, and relations between things.
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Description New Meta Products, using AmI, will be capable of acquiring knowledge in order to add highly personalized innovative functions, and thus enabling new business models.
Comments Manufacturing the products of the future Flexibility Manufacturing performance characteristics Economic sustainability Economic sustainability Manufacturing performance characteristics IoT - Internet
 Final Report Summary - PROSECO (Collaborative Environment for Design of AmI enhanced Product-Services Integrating Highly Personalised Innovative Functions with Minimal Ecological Footprint along Life Cycle and of Their Production P) Result title and of Their Production P)
 Context Modelling tool, extraction services and Methodology Result description (use of products, manufacturing of product etc.) and/or its environment.
 Eco-tool and Ecoinnovation Methodology Result acronym Eco-tool and Ecoinnovation Methodology
 Economic sustainability Taxon description Economic sustainability is the component of sustainability where the focus is on commercial competitiveness and the ability to do be successful from the business perspective.
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Description The ECOMISE project proposes a breakthrough production system to enable next generation of thermoset composite manufacturing and post-processing.
Comments 1.3: Business models and strategies for disruptive manufacturing processes Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems FoF Partnership SRIA Research
 Final Report Summary - ECOMISE (Enabling Next Generation Composite Manufacturing by In-Situ Structural Evaluation and Process Adjustment) Result title Final Report Summary - ECOMISE (Enabling Next Generation Composite Manufacturing by In-Situ Structural Evaluation and Process Adjustment)
 Sub-Domain 1.3: Business models and strategies for disruptive manufacturing processes Taxon title Sub-Domain 1.3: Business models and strategies for disruptive manufacturing processes
 Domain 6: Customer-focused manufacturing Taxon description It focuses on the links between the business, customers, and the environment, in formulating a requirements specification by incorporating both the ‘voice of the customer’ and the ‘voice of the environment
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Description in the pathways to digitalisation of manufacturing, the use cases, the key enablers and cross-cutting factors, Generating a broad awareness about the key enablers and cross-cutting factors, pathways
Comments and support action (CSA) Project type - instrument
 Webinar on business and legal aspects of the digitalisation of manufacturing, 24 May 2022, Result title Webinar on business and legal aspects of the digitalisation of manufacturing, 24 May 2022, Result description Webinar on business and legal aspects of the digitalisation of manufacturing, 24 May 2022,
 Video - introduction and use cases - Circular Economy and Manufacturing Result acronym Video-CE-Manufacturing
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Description Global economic crises and the COVID19 pandemic have dictated manufacturing firms to rethink their production and business models.
Organisation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation (LMS) - University of Patras - PANEPISTIMIO PATRON
 EFFRA - The manufacturing partnership day Result title EFFRA - The manufacturing partnership day Result acronym EFFRA - The manufacturing partnership day
 ESAIM 2023 symposium Result description   The real benefit from AI in manufacturing will not just be by automating tasks but by providing new levels of autonomy that will make possible entirely new applications and introduce new business
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Description , widely available toolbox for establishing a new marketplace consisting of software and body of knowledge gathered during the project 4 Pilots proving the concept and 2 Open Calls for application experiments
 Affine equivalences of surfaces of translation and minimal surfaces, and applications to symmetry detection and design Result title Affine equivalences of surfaces of translation and minimal surfaces, and applications to symmetry detection and design
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - Change2Twin (Create and Harvest Offerings to support Manufacturing SMEs to become Digital Twin Champions) Result description Digital twins are one of the big game-changers in manufacturing and allow companies to significantly increase their global competitiveness. A...
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Description Information Systems; Manufacturing Execution Systems; Standard for the Exchange of Product model data]; 2) A new Cyber physical system-enabled infrastructure approach for equipment integration; 3) A
Comments FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities RP 6.9 On-demand manufacturing of customer-centric products FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Domain 6: Customer-focused manufacturing project_id_EC super_admin
 Final Report Summary - SUPERFLEX (Develop and demonstrate a ‘Mini-factory’ concept for production of personalized skin care products for elderly population) Result title Final Report Summary - SUPERFLEX (Develop and demonstrate a ‘Mini-factory’ concept for production of personalized skin care products for elderly population)
 RP 6.9 On-demand manufacturing of customer-centric products Taxon title RP 6.9 On-demand manufacturing of customer-centric products
 Domain 6: Customer-focused manufacturing Taxon description It focuses on the links between the business, customers, and the environment, in formulating a requirements specification by incorporating both the ‘voice of the customer’ and the ‘voice of the environment
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Description The SelSus vision will be achieved by the development of a new synergetic diagnostic and prognosis environment which is fully aware of the condition and history of all the machine components within a system
Organisation Institute for Advanced Manufacturing - University of Nottingham
Comments manufacturing devices, components and machines FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems RP 2.6 Mechatronics and new machine architectures for high performance
 Final Report Summary - SELSUS (Health Monitoring and Life-Long Capability Management for SELf-SUStaining Manufacturing Systems) Result title Final Report Summary - SELSUS (Health Monitoring and Life-Long Capability Management for SELf-SUStaining Manufacturing Systems)
 RP 2.6 Mechatronics and new machine architectures for high performance and resource-efficient manufacturing equipment Taxon title RP 2.6 Mechatronics and new machine architectures for high performance and resource-efficient manufacturing equipment Taxon description With the aim of ensuring competitiveness of manufacturing companies in a sustainable manner, the goal of high performance and reliability of manufacturing equipment must be achieved with a minimum of environmental
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Description between plug-and-produce automation components and higher level control and business functions, and creating a easily extendable and adaptable manufacturing operating system (MOS) that permits the easy
Comments reconfigurable Machinery and Robots FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Sub-Domain 2.1 Adaptive and smart manufacturing devices, components and machines Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing
 Assessment of the current semantic model technologies Result title Assessment of the current semantic model technologies
 Open Innovation Plug&Produce Component Business Model Result description context of the openMOS business model.
 RP 2.1 Flexible and reconfigurable Machinery and Robots Taxon description Development of innovative ICT tools for supporting the as-autonomous-as-possible reconfiguration of machinery and robots, as basis for supporting mass customized and highly personalized products and fast
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Description The mission of the NextFactory project is to develop and validate a new type of all-in-one manufacturing technology combining, for the first time, in a single piece of equipment, 3D freeform printing and
Comments manufacturing processes FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Sub-Domain 1.2 Complex structures, geometries and scale Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes Sub-Domain 1.3: Business models and
 Final Report Summary - NEXTFACTORY (All-in-one manufacturing platform for system in package and micromechatronic systems) Result title Final Report Summary - NEXTFACTORY (All-in-one manufacturing platform for system in package and micromechatronic systems)
 Sub-Domain 1.3: Business models and strategies for disruptive manufacturing processes Taxon title Sub-Domain 1.3: Business models and strategies for disruptive manufacturing processes
 Domain 6: Customer-focused manufacturing Taxon description It focuses on the links between the business, customers, and the environment, in formulating a requirements specification by incorporating both the ‘voice of the customer’ and the ‘voice of the environment
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Description The new era of manufacturing asks for flexible factories that can be quickly reprogrammed to provide faster time-to-market responding to global consumer demand, address mass-customisation needs and bring
Comments chain collaboration Business model aspects of digital platform deployment Business model aspects Business models To implement the entire system as a bundle of cloud-based tools and services.
 D1.5 Business models Result title D1.5 Business models Result description Business models
 Sub-Domain 1.3: Business models and strategies for disruptive manufacturing processes Taxon title Sub-Domain 1.3: Business models and strategies for disruptive manufacturing processes
 RP 1.12 Novel supply chain approaches for innovative products Taxon description Any new approaches need to be develop appropriate cost models to quantify benefits along new supply chains and help inform the translation to new ways of working.
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Description The ROSSINI project aims to develop a disruptive, inherently safe hardware-software solution for the design and deployment of human-robot collaboration (HRC) applications in manufacturing.
Organisation University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Comments (including urban manufacturing) MIE Consultation 2020 (Closed) Specific Objective 3: New integrated business, product-service and production approaches; new use models Collaborative robot solutions
 A New Conversion Method to Evaluate the Hazard Potential of Collaborative Robots in Free Collisions Result title A New Conversion Method to Evaluate the Hazard Potential of Collaborative Robots in Free Collisions
 A New Conversion Method to Evaluate the Hazard Potential of Collaborative Robots in Free Collisions Result title A New Conversion Method to Evaluate the Hazard Potential of Collaborative Robots in Free Collisions
 Demonstrator 2 - ROSSINI for Electronic Components Production (end-user SCHINDLER) Result description It provides experimental evidences of the benefits and of the challenges of the interaction between human operators and robot.
 Conversion Method to Evaluate the Hazard Potential of Cobots in Free Collisions - EXTRA component - Integration layer Result acronym Conversion Method to Evaluate the Hazard Potential of Cobots in Free Collisions
 Significance of the results for SMEs Taxon title Significance of the results for SMEs
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Description FLEX4RES will utilize platform-based manufacturing that builds on the state-of-the-art Gaia-X and IDS technologies for data-sharing in the horizontal supply chain and the Asset Administration Shell (AAS
Organisation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation (LMS) - University of Patras - PANEPISTIMIO PATRON
 Voestalpine Use Case Result description The resulting flexible and agile matrix production will enable the reconfiguration of the manufacturing process during production.
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Description Work Packages from 1 to 5 are devoted to the development of new technology to enhance the interaction between human and machine.
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - TEAMING.AI (Human-AI Teaming Platform for Maintaining and Evolving AI Systems in Manufacturing) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 1 - TEAMING.AI (Human-AI Teaming Platform for Maintaining and Evolving AI Systems in Manufacturing) Result description Smart Manufacturing plays a critical role in maintaining the competitiveness of companies and organizations, by supporting them at different levels such as process optimization, resource efficiency, predictive
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Description DIPLAT will lead to a technological breakthrough that will push European manufacturing industries to the cutting edge of high-performance machining and tooling technology.
Organisation Institute for Advanced Manufacturing - University of Nottingham
Comments Sub-Domain 1.3: Business models and strategies for disruptive manufacturing processes FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing
 Periodic Report Summary 1 - DIPLAT (Enabling advanced functionalities of Diamond and other ultra-hard materials by Integrated Pulsed Laser Ablation Technologies) Result title Periodic Report Summary 1 - DIPLAT (Enabling advanced functionalities of Diamond and other ultra-hard materials by Integrated Pulsed Laser Ablation Technologies)
 Pulsed Laser Ablation (PLA) simulator Result description It is independent of the type of laser used and computational faster than more complicated FEA models.
 Sub-Domain 1.3: Business models and strategies for disruptive manufacturing processes Taxon title Sub-Domain 1.3: Business models and strategies for disruptive manufacturing processes
 RP 1.4 Manufacturing processes for ‘non-exhaustible’ raw materials, biomaterials and cell based products. Taxon description This will put a tremendous adaptability pressure on the manufacturing processes and in particular biological productions will experience major changes in their business models.