Projects overview

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Description The backbone of the project will be a new methodological approach supporting decision-making, considering business models, material flows and circular strategies along the manufacturing value chains.
 Circular business models for EU manufacturing value chains Result title Circular business models for EU manufacturing value chains Result description D12 Circular business models for EU manufacturing value chains Report on potential business models for manufacturing based on circularity principles R PU M9 TNO
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Description models revolving around monetizing available technologies in new ways.
 D6.3-Users‘ Behaviour Model Result title D6.3-Users‘ Behaviour Model
 Aerospace Pilot – Jet engine manufacturing & maintenance (GRC) Result description It supports the work of GE’s business groups by performing research aligned with GE’s business needs.
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Description Virtual factories are a well-established concept although existing solutions have limitations: • Scoped at the business level • Provide an isolated view on certain virtual factory aspects • Restricted
Comments Research priorities Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories Domain 4: Collaborative and mobile enterprises FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities RP 4.1 Cloud-based Manufacturing Business
 ADVENTURE Smart Process Execution Result description and extensible way of monitoring and manipulating the enactment of the business logic.
 RP 4.1 Cloud-based Manufacturing Business Web for Supply Network Collaboration Taxon title RP 4.1 Cloud-based Manufacturing Business Web for Supply Network Collaboration
 Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories Taxon description At process level complex numerical models, like highly non linear FEM models from multistage processes including temperature cycles and functional behaviour become more and more a part of the innovation
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Comments and resource-efficient factories Domain 4: Collaborative and mobile enterprises FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Tools and methods for enterprise collaboration RP 4.1 Cloud-based Manufacturing Business
 Business Case 3: Aircraft Manufacturer Result title Business Case 3: Aircraft Manufacturer
 EPES Virtual Collaborative Network (VCN) Result description The aim of these networks is to achieve business goals through knowledge management (capturing, sharing and reusing of the generated knowledge) by means of the modelling and measurement of business processes
 RP 4.1 Cloud-based Manufacturing Business Web for Supply Network Collaboration Taxon title RP 4.1 Cloud-based Manufacturing Business Web for Supply Network Collaboration Taxon description as well as consumers (manufacturing enterprises) could come together and find new business opportunities for servicizing operations in the value chain.
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Comments - Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities RP 3.1 Integrated factory models for evolvable
 Business Cost Model Result title Business Cost Model Result description Partners have expressed interest in commercializing the Business Cost Model, as well as using it both internally and to provide external consultancy services. Result acronym Business Cost Model
 System modelling - digital twins, simulation Taxon title System modelling - digital twins, simulation
 RP 3.12 Design and management of manufacturing strategies Taxon description model level.
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Comments FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Sub-Domain 1.3: Business models and strategies for disruptive manufacturing processes Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes Domain 3: Digital, virtual and
 Waterjet models and parameters Result title Waterjet models and parameters Result description Waterjet models and parameters will be licensed which can improve throughput by 400% and reduce the number of parts scrapped. Result acronym Waterjet models and parameters
 Sub-Domain 1.3: Business models and strategies for disruptive manufacturing processes Taxon title Sub-Domain 1.3: Business models and strategies for disruptive manufacturing processes
 RP 1.11 Product life cycle management for advanced materials Taxon description Finally, new business models that consider different end-of-life options for making the closed-loop approach more economically attractive need to be designed and validated.
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Description By modelling all process steps and manufacturing assets as services it is possible to realize cross-organization manufacturing orchestrations and integrate distributed resources and ultimately manufacture
Comments model aspects of digital platform deployment Business model aspects Business models Service model Business model aspects Software development and ownership model Business model aspects Target clients
 D4.2: CREMA Data Model, Model Library and Profiles Prototype II Result title D4.2: CREMA Data Model, Model Library and Profiles Prototype II
 D2.2: Market and Applicability Watch Report I Result description Model Analysis set of deliverables and will thus ensure that changes to the market are respected and counteracted
 Business model aspects of digital platform deployment Taxon title Business model aspects of digital platform deployment
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Description The undergoing transformation in our current socio-economic models, led by the advent of emerging technologies, has changed the relation of customers to products and services.
Comments , product-service and production approaches; new use models
 The FALCON Ontology Result description The FALCON semantic model describes the basic entities of the project and model relevant structures of planning, design, engineering, manufacturing and exploitation processes.
 RP 6.8 Mobile servicing cockpit for extended business offerings Taxon title RP 6.8 Mobile servicing cockpit for extended business offerings
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Comments , product-service and production approaches; new use models
 Elicitation and structuration of engineering and business requirements Result title Elicitation and structuration of engineering and business requirements
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - Manutelligence (Product Service Design and Manufacturing Intelligence Engineering Platform) Result description The Product-Service is more and more a source a new business, providing to the end users the experience they need instead of a pure product, efficiently addressing customer needs.The main scope of the
 RP 4.1 Cloud-based Manufacturing Business Web for Supply Network Collaboration Taxon title RP 4.1 Cloud-based Manufacturing Business Web for Supply Network Collaboration
 Domain 6: Customer-focused manufacturing Taxon description Future manufacturing enterprises would collect explicit as well as tacit customer requirements, analyze them and make the right product and service model.
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Comments model aspects of digital platform deployment Business model aspects Business models The SatisFactory project aims at providing solutions for context-aware control and re-adaptation of industrial production
 DELIVERABLE D2.2 - Knowledge model for human resource optimization Result title Knowledge model for human resource optimization
 Knowledge model for human resource optimization Result title Knowledge model for human resource optimization
 DELIVERABLE D3.1 Semantically-enriched framework for analysis and design of dynamically evolving shop floor operations Result description In order to accomplish that, an ontology-based context model which captures the general concepts about user and business context is developed.
 Business model aspects of digital platform deployment Taxon title Business model aspects of digital platform deployment
 RP 3.3 Integrated High-performance Computing in Factory Life Cycle Management Taxon description systems, worker inputs and variable business factors.
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Description The development of this new business approach is based on three major issues, namely design of customer oriented product-services for frugal innovation in a bottom-up development process, optimization
Comments , product-service and production approaches; new use models
 Description of main product-service aspects and business and financial models Result title Description of main product-service aspects and business and financial models
 Local order scheduling for Lines Result description Assignment of customer orders to mixed-model assembly lines and cycles within those at plants on a local level.
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Description HORSE aims to bring a leap forward in the manufacturing industry proposing a new flexible model of smart factory involving collaboration of humans, robots, AGV’s (Autonomous Guided Vehicles) and
Comments These business models exploit concepts of Internet of Things (OSGi) and Business Process Management that promise to provide tools and support in customizing and applying advanced robotics within the factories
 Using business process models for the specification of manufacturing operations Result title Using business process models for the specification of manufacturing operations
 Software tool for modelling mixed-actor manufacturing processes Result description Manufacturing process modelling environment: Mixed-actor manufacturing processes are modelled as business process types, specifying the end-to-end manufacturing process of a series of products. Result acronym Software tool for modelling mixed-actor manufacturing processes
 Business ecosystems associated to digital platforms Taxon title Business ecosystems associated to digital platforms
 Product quality - Quality assurance Taxon description (from Quality assurance (QA) is a way of preventing mistakes and
 Flexibility Comments These business models exploit concepts of Internet of Things (OSGi) and Business Process Management that promise to provide tools and support in customizing and applying advanced robotics within the factories
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Description Fortissimo 2 will drive the uptake of advanced modelling, simulation and data analytics by European engineering and manufacturing SMEs and mid-caps.
Comments Applications areas and sectors C MANUFACTURING Open source Business model aspects Software development and ownership model Autonomous /online/realtime Manufacturing Process Optimisation on machine level
 HPC based high-resolution modelling of magnets Result title HPC based high-resolution modelling of magnets
 Year 1 Report on Business Development and Sustainability Strategy Result description This document will present annually the current business model and plans as well as the identified steps on the road towards sustainability by incorporating key elements including financial return and
 Data modelling Taxon title Data modelling
 Product quality - Quality assurance Taxon description (from Quality assurance (QA) is a way of preventing mistakes and
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Comments FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Sub-Domain 1.3: Business models and strategies for disruptive manufacturing processes Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes RP 1.13 New models for introducing
 Microscopic modelling of weld formation in EMW: Open questions Result title Microscopic modelling of weld formation in EMW: Open questions
 Report on numerical lifetime prediction method for EMW equipment Result description Part 3 describes the macro-scale modelling including the development of the anisotropic damage model for three-dimensional case and introduction of the damage degradation as a function of the number of
 Sub-Domain 1.3: Business models and strategies for disruptive manufacturing processes Taxon title Sub-Domain 1.3: Business models and strategies for disruptive manufacturing processes
 RP 1.11 Product life cycle management for advanced materials Taxon description Finally, new business models that consider different end-of-life options for making the closed-loop approach more economically attractive need to be designed and validated.
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Comments economy, but still with a main focus on the business model of individual players.
 New Business Models for Circular Economy Result title New Business Models for Circular Economy
 Digital Voice Recorder designed for Circular Economy Result description Through a new business model, a rental concept, a simple product take-back is possible.
 Domain 6: Customer-focused manufacturing Taxon description It focuses on the links between the business, customers, and the environment, in formulating a requirements specification by incorporating both the ‘voice of the customer’ and the ‘voice of the environment
 Specific Objective 3: New integrated business, product-service and production approaches; new use models Comments economy, but still with a main focus on the business model of individual players.
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Comments Simulation Addressed processes Co-Simulated machining Business model aspects of digital platform deployment Business model aspects Business models Provisioning of robust business development frameworks
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - AUTOWARE (Wireless Autonomous, Reliable and Resilient ProductIon Operation ARchitecture for Cognitive Manufacturing) Result description Markets, business models, manufacturing processes and other challenges along the value chain are all changing at an increasing speed in an increasingly interconnected world where new opportunities and
 Business model aspects of digital platform deployment Taxon title Business model aspects of digital platform deployment
 Platform enabled optimisation Taxon description models Based upon these mechanisms, added-value can be created in a variety of perspectives (see 'Added Value and Impact
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Description FAR-EDGE will be validated in real-life plants (VOLVO, WHIRLPOOL) in the scope of user-driven scenarios (business-cases) for mass-customization and reshoring, where tangible improvements relating to reliability
Comments Business model aspects The FAR-EDGE RA, as well as the specifications of the FAR-EDGE Platform, will be open and royalty-free.
 Local Cloud Internet of Things Automation: Technology and Business Model Features of Distributed Internet of Things Automation Solutions Result title Local Cloud Internet of Things Automation: Technology and Business Model Features of Distributed Internet of Things Automation Solutions
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - FAR-EDGE (Factory Automation Edge Computing Operating System Reference Implementation) Result description The goal is having more efficient and flexible production systems on the one side, while enabling new business models on...
 Service model Taxon title Service model
 Economic sustainability Taxon description Economic sustainability is the component of sustainability where the focus is on commercial competitiveness and the ability to do be successful from the business perspective.
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 Predictive Maintenance Business Models v2 Result title Predictive Maintenance Business Models v2 Result description Specification of business models for predictive maintenance, including guidelines for their implementation based on the PROPHESY platform and tools.
 Predictive Maintenance Business Models v1 Result description Specification of business models for predictive maintenance, including guidelines for their implementation based on the PROPHESY platform and tools.
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Comments Business ecosystems associated to digital platforms Business model aspects Business ecosystems The SERENA framework brigns together equipment manufacturers, maintenance services providers, production
 A New Unsupervised Predictive-Model Self-Assessment Approach That SCALEs Result title A New Unsupervised Predictive-Model Self-Assessment Approach That SCALEs
 Metrology Equipment Use Case Result description The addition of predictive support as a service with the corresponding business model facilitate the reduction of maintenance costs, hardware problems, predictive scheduling of corrective activities, and
 System modelling - digital twins, simulation Taxon title System modelling - digital twins, simulation
 Product quality - Quality assurance Taxon description (from Quality assurance (QA) is a way of preventing mistakes and
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Comments MIE Consultation 2020 (Closed) Specific Objective 3: New integrated business, product-service and production approaches; new use models R&I Objective 3.2: Manufacturing processes and approaches near
 Business models and case development for iPRODUCE cMDFs Result title Business models and case development for iPRODUCE cMDFs Result description Business models and case development for iPRODUCE cMDFs
 Business models and case development for iPRODUCE cMDFs 2 Result title Business models and case development for iPRODUCE cMDFs Result description Business models and case development for iPRODUCE cMDFs
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Description global production network modelling methods and models are needed that can model business cases and identify the critical network relations and knowledge that underlies the business operation.
Comments Model Development for product-servcie delivery through global production networks Risk assessment for global production networks configuration Number of participating SMEs Additional KPIs Control 2K
 RP 4.1 Cloud-based Manufacturing Business Web for Supply Network Collaboration Taxon title RP 4.1 Cloud-based Manufacturing Business Web for Supply Network Collaboration Taxon description Furthermore, such a distributed infrastructure deployment would facilitate dynamic service instantiation and consumption through a pay-per-use model whereby manufacturing service providers (IT vendors)
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Description The goal of SO-PC-Pro is to develop methods and tools for holistic design and management of workplaces in production companies, thereby aligning business goals and human needs.
Comments Partnership SRIA Research priorities RP 5.1 New manufacturing education methods and e-learning FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Domain 5: Human-centric manufacturing RP 5.2 Advanced Information Models
 The Modeling Wiki for Subject-oriented people-centred Production Result title The Modeling Wiki for Subject-oriented people-centred Production
 Customisable UI for workflow execution Result description The key innovation is that business processes and user interfaces are modelled using the same representation: S-BPM.
 RP 5.5 New recommendation systems for the European workforce Taxon description annotate captured data in warehouse and business queries to extract relevant information on request should be invested in the future.
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Description The outline of the business plan ensures the exploitation of the project results.
Comments MIE Consultation 2020 (Closed) Specific Objective 3: New integrated business, product-service and production approaches; new use models R&I Objective 3.2: Manufacturing processes and approaches near
 Economic sustainability Taxon description Economic sustainability is the component of sustainability where the focus is on commercial competitiveness and the ability to do be successful from the business perspective.
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Description More importantly, it will propose and validate models for business collaboration and unlock AM based business and jobs for Europe.
 Models of business collaboration Result title Models of business collaboration Result description Definition of at least 3 models of business collaboration between key AM stakeholders, final report
 Models of business collaboration-draft report Result title Models of business collaboration
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Description models, involving their workforce at all levels in this Digital Transformation innovations.
Comments models.
 Specifications and Design of DIH/CC Services 2 Result description Modelling and detailed specification in reference workflows of the access to technology/knowledge/market Services
 R&I Objective 3.3: Transparency, trust and data integrity along the product and manufacturing life-cycle Comments models.
 R&I Objective 4.1: Digital platforms and engineering tools supporting creativity and productivity of manufacturing development Comments models.
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Description A marketplace as one-stop-shop for SMEs (developers and end users) to access essential services for digital transformation including business modelling, technical support, access to skills and finance.
Comments ., advanced models for digital twins to simulate real world dynamics)  The concept behind SHOP4CF can have a strong
 Design and evaluation framework for user studies 1 Result description The deliverable will integrate not only aspects from user (e.g. acceptance, ergonomics, safety) and ethical perspective, but also aspects as business perspective.
 R&I Objective 4.1: Digital platforms and engineering tools supporting creativity and productivity of manufacturing development Comments ., advanced models for digital twins to simulate real world dynamics)  The concept behind SHOP4CF can have a strong
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Description The proposed innovations target urban mobility where we are entering an era of rapid transformation and disruption which are also challenging traditional paradigms on manufacturing and business models
 Business Models Result title Business Models
 Creating business-led technology road maps Result description Generate roadmaps focused to capture the technologys value of the great transformation and disruption taking place in urban mobility Explore business opportunities the commercialization of systems for
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Description Within this overall framework, the need to think about innovative business models and industrial strategies, able to answer to these new requirements is mandatory.
 New Business Models for the Reuse of Secondary Resources from WEEEs - The FENIX Project Result title New Business Models for the Reuse of Secondary Resources from WEEEs - The FENIX Project