Z-Fact0r | Zero-defect manufacturing strategies towards on-line production management for European factories
Z-Fact0r hybrid framework, obtained by applying a software and hardware integration strategy, is installed on the industrial end users shop floors. This architecture exploits features from Relational Databases and Triplestore while using the blackboard architectural pattern which ensures efficient and accurate communication of data transfer among software applications and devices.
Data communication between components is essential for the project. End users create data on their shop floor with embedded sensors on the machines, new integrated sensors developed for the project. All these data is propagated in the system with data communication protocols, such as HTTP and AMQP, creating a data stream process in the system. Interoperability between the data communication protocolos and brockers is crucial for a successful result of the data communication of the system. Various data sources work together and use different communication protocols. As a result, all these components and protocols should seamlessly work and their interoperability is what helps them. A message brocker was developed for the project, based on AMQP for data communication. In the initial phases of the project, there were also RESTful APIs that helped in the initial development of the components.