Projects overview

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Description From a technical point of view, the project will focus on: data (exchange and integration); services (adaptation, interoperability); and workflows (integration, co-operation).
Comments . - Management of data and information is archived in a standard format (STEP, ISO 10303), reducing product costs and preserving existing jobs. - Accessibility for services from any point and any device
 Product Lifecycle and Engineering Data Management (PLM) on the Cloud Result title Product Lifecycle and Engineering Data Management (PLM) on the Cloud Result description With the help of Fraunhofer IGD (a research institute in Germany specializing in visual computing) and Jotne AS (a Norwegian SME developing and distributing software for interoperability of industrial
 RP 3.5 Multi-level simulation and analytics for improving production quality and throughput Taxon description Distributed simulation systems offer good local optimization outcomes but lack interoperability and holistic modelling options, especially for complex manufacturing systems.
 Number of participating SMEs Comments . - Management of data and information is archived in a standard format (STEP, ISO 10303), reducing product costs and preserving existing jobs. - Accessibility for services from any point and any device
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Comments Information and communication technologies Technologies and enablers Domain 3 - Digital, Virtual and Resource-efficient Factories Impact Workshop D3-Area 1: Cloud services and simulation, Knowledge-based
 Cloud-based simulation of the hydrodynamic behaviour of buoys Result description  ALSEAMAR needs to investigate the behaviour of a radio communication buoy released from a submarine.
 Information and communication technologies Taxon title Information and communication technologies
 RP 3.5 Multi-level simulation and analytics for improving production quality and throughput Taxon description Distributed simulation systems offer good local optimization outcomes but lack interoperability and holistic modelling options, especially for complex manufacturing systems.
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Description and live data infrastructure, an edge continuous learning execution pipeline; (ii) A digital twin of the shop-floor to test the AI models; (iii) A data management framework deployed from the edge
 Initial Data Management and Data Quality modules Result title Initial Data Management and Data Quality modules
 Initial Provisioning and Deployment Management Tool Result description planned Concept, architecture and communication protocols that shall be developed as part of T6.3
 Data Quality Assurance Result acronym Data Quality Assurance
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Description ., cutting and abrasive operations); To enhance analysis-based process planning for additive manufacturing including thermal and stress aspects, and their interoperability with the design phase; To
Comments (COMMUNIC) Success Factors COMMUNIC - Develop a sound communication strategy Success Factors Communication (COMMUNIC) We have an active web, participate in an European AM Cluster, organize a workshop
 D1.7 Interoperability year 2 Result title D1.7 Interoperability year 2
 D1.10 Interoperability year 3 Result description The final set up of the PLM-database described with data formats and standards used.
 RP 3.13 Integration of design methods and tools Taxon description The integration of methods and tools requires the interoperability between the various models dealing with specific problem in the factory hierarchy.
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Comments project_id_EC super_admin project_rcn_EC super_admin topic_EC super_admin DT-ICT-07-2018-2019 call_EC super_admin H2020-DT-2019-1 Data ownership - data governance Business model aspects Coordination
 CF Final Event: Crosscutting, Interoperability (Luis Usatorre) Result title CF Final Event: Crosscutting, Interoperability (Luis Usatorre)
 Project Quality Plan Result description Internal procedures for communication, progress monitoring, quality assurance and risk management.
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Description The i4Q Framework will guarantee data reliability with functions grouped into five basic capabilities around the data cycle: sensing, communication, computing infrastructure, storage, and analysis and
 i4Q Data Quality Guidelines Result title i4Q Data Quality Guidelines
 i4Q Trusted Networks with Wireless & Wired Industrial Interfaces (i4QTN) Result description of new communication infrastructures. i4QTN ensures high quality data collection, providing connectivity to industrial data sources through Trusted Networks able to assess and ensure precision, accuracy
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Description to product data management issues and standards.
 Ecosystem of software tools for IsogeoemtricRepresetnation and Analysis Result description Jotne's Express Data Manager is used as the STEP reader/writer of GoTools and thus a vital component for interoperability in TERRIFIC.
 RP 3.13 Integration of design methods and tools Taxon description The integration of methods and tools requires the interoperability between the various models dealing with specific problem in the factory hierarchy.
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Comments , workshops, seminars Success Factors Communication (COMMUNIC) COMMUNIC - Fairs and exhibition Success Factors Communication (COMMUNIC) COMMUNIC - Press Releases Success Factors Communication (COMMUNIC
 Production System Opportunistic Maintenance Planning Result description Data gathering from sensorial data: this module receives in input data from the multiple sensors implemented at shop floor level to observe the degradation behaviour of the critical components in the system
 Information and communication technologies Taxon title Information and communication technologies





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Description (for inspection and post-processing) Between all stages and the data management system with the integrated design decision support (IDDS) system By considering the entire AM process chain, rather than
Comments , analytics, processing and AI Information and communication technologies Data processing Technologies and enablers Data collection, storage, analytics, processing and AI Information and communication
 Information and communication technologies Taxon title Information and communication technologies
 Data storage Taxon description Data storage is the recording (storing) of information (data) in a storage medium.
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Comments Novel DC powered robot end effectors and manufacturing tools R&I Objective 1.6: Data ‘highways’ and data spaces in support of smart factories in dynamic value networks MIE Consultation 2020 (Closed
 Single and Multi-Robot Energy Consumption simulation Result description Results show a significant agreement with experimental data on the real robot.
 RP 3.13 Integration of design methods and tools Taxon description The integration of methods and tools requires the interoperability between the various models dealing with specific problem in the factory hierarchy.
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Comments General interoperability framework Interoperability (ICT) HORSE is an open platform where heterogeneous robots and other automation equipment, as well as new software modules can be integrated via OSGi
 Fast online collision avoidance for mobile service robots through potential fields on 3D environment data processed on GPUs Result title Fast online collision avoidance for mobile service robots through potential fields on 3D environment data processed on GPUs
 WFM middleware and related auxiliary modules Result description This module will provide algorithms to efficient correlate the data and provide them for further actions to all other system modules, i.e.
 RP 3.5 Multi-level simulation and analytics for improving production quality and throughput Taxon description Distributed simulation systems offer good local optimization outcomes but lack interoperability and holistic modelling options, especially for complex manufacturing systems.
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Description Operator interaction will be done by a new developed HMI (Human Machine Interface) providing the huge amount of data in a reliable manner.
Comments Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies One option is to store the data generated by sending data to a cloud based
 A flexible architecture for data mining from heterogeneous data sources in automated production systems Result title A flexible architecture for data mining from heterogeneous data sources in automated production systems
 Versatile Production System Result description It thus provides an ideal multivendor platform for testing and validation of innovative technologies and products and for their interoperability.
 Information and communication technologies Taxon title Information and communication technologies
 RP 3.5 Multi-level simulation and analytics for improving production quality and throughput Taxon description Distributed simulation systems offer good local optimization outcomes but lack interoperability and holistic modelling options, especially for complex manufacturing systems.
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Description By having access to on-demand data, models, algorithms, and resources for industrial products (i.e. mechatronic systems supporting the production of other products), the DBP will enable their customisation
 To Offload or Not? An Analysis of Big Data Offloading Strategies from Edge to Cloud Result title An Analysis of Big Data Offloading Strategies from Edge to Cloud
 Periodic Reporting for period 3 - DIGITbrain (Digital twins bringing agility and innovation to manufacturing SMEs, by empowering a network of DIHs with an integrated digital platform that enables Manufacturing as a Service (MaaS)) Result description The manufacturing industry is constantly evolving; customers have new requirements and want more personalisation; interoperability with new products and technologies is expected; regulations and norms
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Description Also to pursue the highly-connected factory model to reap the benefits of all the data generated within the factory.
Comments  The set of components will provide functionalities related to IoT, robotics, AI, Big Data and HMI.
 Data Management Plan 1 Result title Data Management Plan 1 Result description The deliverable presents the procedures for collecting and storing data generated in the project in the first year.
 R&I Objective 4.3: Human & technology complementarity and excellence in manufacturing Comments  The set of components will provide functionalities related to IoT, robotics, AI, Big Data and HMI.
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Description of systems/data across factories There are limited tools and technologies which provide reliable end-to-end cross partner interoperability of ICT systems in the manufacturing domain and to easily fuse
Comments AI Information and communication technologies Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies System modelling - digital
 ADVENTURE Data Provisioning and Discovery Result title ADVENTURE Data Provisioning and Discovery
 The Plug and Play Virtual Factory Result description As yet, no proven tools or technologies exist in the market that provide the creation of virtual factories applying end-to-end integrated Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
 Information and communication technologies Taxon title Information and communication technologies
 RP 6.3 Collaborative product-service systems design environments for SME involvement Taxon description Future ICT research needs to leverage the cloud-computing paradigm as the basis for communication amongst human stakeholders (designers as well as customers) for exchanging data and information (e.g.
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Description The Project results will be: the C2NET Data Collection Framework for IoT-based continuous data collection from supply network resources; the C2NET Optimizer for the optimization of manufacturing
 Configuring and visualizing the data resources in a cloud-based data collection framework Result title Configuring and visualizing the data resources in a cloud-based data collection framework
 Selected legacy systems / interfaces that will be supported by the interoperability framework Result description This report will describe the existing standardslegacy interfaces for communication data collection and exchange formats data base etc that will be supported allowing to ensure interoperability to most
 Domain 4: Collaborative and mobile enterprises Taxon description Some outstanding challenges which future manufacturing enterprises will have to encounter through innovative ICT are the following: • Facilitating secure data exchange for collaboration in design, engineering
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Description .), the development of advanced and modular global monitoring and optimization algorithms for reconfiguration of machinery, robots and processes and, finally, to ensure the full interoperability, the harmonization
Comments Data storage Data collection, storage, analytics, processing and AI Information and communication technologies Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information
 Selection of a data exchange format for industry 4.0 manufacturing systems Result title Selection of a data exchange format for industry 4.0 manufacturing systems
 Report on decentralized control & Distributed Manufacturing Operation Systems for Flexible and Reconfigurable production environments Result description This covers the communication between these tools, which is based on industrial as well as IT communication protocols along with the data representation standards used.
 Information and communication technologies Taxon title Information and communication technologies
 RP 3.2 Intelligent maintenance systems for increased reliability of production systems Taxon description For this, predictive data analytics techniques should be developed to aggregate and process the massive amount of data captured by intelligent devices from the field on-the-fly.
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Description The initiative for Fostering DIHs for Embedding Interoperability in Cyber-Physical Systems of European SMEs (DIH4CPS) will help European enterprises overcome these innovation hurdles and establish Europe
 The Data-Driven Multi-Step Approach for Dynamic Estimation of Buildings’ Interior Temperature Result title The Data-Driven Multi-Step Approach for Dynamic Estimation of Buildings’ Interior Temperature
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - DIH4CPS (Fostering DIHs for Embedding Interoperability in Cyber-Physical Systems of European SMEs) Result description Data and information...
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Description Des-MOLD will uses as a main source, past empirical industrial experiences and simulation data to optimize, at the design time, the geometries of the pieces and moulds according to the desired features
Comments (COMMUNIC) Success Factors COMMUNIC - Develop a sound communication strategy Success Factors Communication (COMMUNIC) COMMUNIC - Identify and engage with relevant local communication channels, technology
 Information and communication technologies Taxon title Information and communication technologies
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Description Platforms providers will be able to flexibly and dynamically connect the Real World with digital Enterprise Systems through common open standards; European ICT SMEs will be growing fast through leadership in data-driven
Comments interoperability between logistic data, raw material costs and manufacturing critical paths with the goal to optimize the capability of the PSS (Production Service Systems) providing an optimal prediction
 Wireless data acquisition from automated workplaces based on RFID technology Result title Wireless data acquisition from automated workplaces based on RFID technology
 MIDIH Open CPS/IOT Components v2 Result description This prototype includes results of development activities for edge-oriented factory automation, brownfield interoperability & Industrial Analytics.
 R&I Objective 1.1: Zero-defect and zero-downtime high-precision manufacturing, including predictive quality and non-destructive inspection methods Comments interoperability between logistic data, raw material costs and manufacturing critical paths with the goal to optimize the capability of the PSS (Production Service Systems) providing an optimal prediction
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Description Moreover, tools for multi-scale modelling, parametric offline programming, quality diagnosis and decision support will be developed under a cognitive approach to ensure interoperability and usability.
Comments has developed an oof line system based on data knowledge.
 Communication material and record reports Result title Communication material and record reports
 ComMUnion dataset for benchmarking Result description Public dataset with data, measurements and routings for benchmarking purposes.
 RP 3.5 Multi-level simulation and analytics for improving production quality and throughput Taxon description Distributed simulation systems offer good local optimization outcomes but lack interoperability and holistic modelling options, especially for complex manufacturing systems.
 R&I Objective 1.6: Data ‘highways’ and data spaces in support of smart factories in dynamic value networks Comments has developed an oof line system based on data knowledge.
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Description On the other hand, monitoring of the machine empowered by Big Data and Cloud technologies allows analysing the real process including vibration and process instability issues.
Comments Technologies and enablers Data storage Data collection, storage, analytics, processing and AI Information and communication technologies Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Technologies
 Communication compilation Result title Communication compilation
 MC-SUITE application based on six different modules ready to reduce the gap between the simulated and the real process Result description The advances in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) are revolutionizing our everyday life.
 Information and communication technologies Taxon title Information and communication technologies
 RP 3.5 Multi-level simulation and analytics for improving production quality and throughput Taxon description Distributed simulation systems offer good local optimization outcomes but lack interoperability and holistic modelling options, especially for complex manufacturing systems.
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Description These generate large amounts of data, which can be used for analysis and fault prevention, as well as the optimisation of the quality of manufacturing processes and products.
 Data Management System Result title Data Management System
 DQM Core Result description Cloud Data Management layer enables communication between different IT modules, big-data management (long term time-based data storage, data streaming platform, data interoperability, metadata, and annotation
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Description Providing robust and customizable data analysis services. Allowing the company staff to actively participate to the maintenance management by an intra factory information service.
Comments These identified Standards refers mainly to ICT-related topics such as cyber security, data communication/exchange protocols, data mining and control SW.
 Data Management Plan - final Result title Data Management Plan - final
 Data Management Plan - preliminary Result description on data management.
 Platform level interoperability Taxon title Platform level interoperability
 Standards Comments These identified Standards refers mainly to ICT-related topics such as cyber security, data communication/exchange protocols, data mining and control SW.
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Comments Collaborative and decentralized application architectures and development tools ICT performance characteristics Interoperability (ICT) Service oriented architecture for integrating Human, robots
 Dual arm robot for assembly of large parts Result description A relational database is used for managing the high amount of data. Grippers manipulating a lengthy and heavy traverse and smaller parts are designed, built and installed.
 RP 2.5 Mechatronics and new machine architectures for adaptive and evolving Factories Taxon description This modular vision for adaptive machines should be duly complemented with robust industrial real-time communication technologies, system modelling approaches and distributed intelligence architectures