Projects overview

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Comments project_id_EC super_admin project_rcn_EC super_admin topic_EC super_admin DT-ICT-07-2018-2019 call_EC super_admin H2020-DT-2019-1 Specific Objective 4: Human-centered and human-driven manufacturing innovation
 Presentation - SHOP4CF - 24 March 2021 Result title Presentation - SHOP4CF - 24 March 2021
 CF Final Event: DT-ICT-07 IA Projects - SHOP4CF (Pieter Becue) Result description 23 November 2022 Result comments SHOP4CF ConnectedFactories 2
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Description The consortium consists of 45% AENEAS, 30% ARTEMIS-IA, 25% EPOSS partners, thus bringing together all ECSEL communities.
Comments -2 call_EC super_admin H2020-ECSEL-2016-2-IA-two-stage result_rcn_EC super_admin deliverableType_EC super_admin Collaborative project (generic) Project type - instrument
 Standards Guide, version 2 Result title Standards Guide, version 2
 Increasing dependability in Safety Critical CPSs Using Reflective Statecharts Result description the pre-formated search via the search engines listed on this page.Authors: Miren Illarramendi, Leire Etxeberria, Xabier Elkorobarrutia, Goiuria SagarduiJournal title: Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security
 Standards Guide, version 1 Result acronym Productive4.0-266163
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Description major pillars, namely (i) innovative supply services, (ii) innovative product-services enabled by ICT, (iii) innovative methodologies for decision-making integrating the plant and the supply network level
Comments FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities RP 3.5 Multi-level simulation and analytics for improving production quality and throughput FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Domain 3: Digital, virtual
 Production System Opportunistic Maintenance Planning Result description It provides in output a Markovian state-transition model that represents the dynamics of the machine while visiting its different degradation states [16] 2.
 Simulation and Navigation Cockpit Result acronym ROBUSTPLANET-212
 RP 3.5 Multi-level simulation and analytics for improving production quality and throughput Taxon title RP 3.5 Multi-level simulation and analytics for improving production quality and throughput
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Description The NWE machining sector comprises 6800 SMEs with 135.000 FTE and generates €24 billion turnover.
 3-2-1 Rule of Work Piece Clamping Result title 3-2-1 Rule of Work Piece Clamping Result acronym 3-2-1-RWPP
 Connected machines for Industry 4.0, ready now or in the future? Result description Industry 4.0 is built around the exchange of information between machines and higher-level systems.
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Comments priorities Sub-Domain 2.1 Adaptive and smart manufacturing devices, components and machines Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems RP 2.3 Symbiotic Safe and Productive human robot interaction
 Demonstrator 2 completion Result title Demonstrator 2 completion
 External Communication Package for Open Source Domains Result description The control is possible to do on both high and low level.
 Demonstrator 1 completion Result acronym SYMBIO-TIC-267255
 Autonomous /online/realtime Manufacturing Process Optimisation on machine level Taxon title Autonomous /online/realtime Manufacturing Process Optimisation on machine level
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Description The SHAREWORK framework has a substantial impact on the environmental performance of manufacturing processes and thus will support European industries to achieve the ambitious goals set in the Europe 2020
Comments project_id_EC super_admin project_rcn_EC super_admin topic_EC super_admin DT-FOF-02-2018 call_EC super_admin H2020-NMBP-FOF-2018 Research & Innovation Action (RIA) Project type - instrument
 Data Security Result title Data Security Result description , hardware, physical and network level. Result acronym Data Security
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Description STAR will eliminate security and safety barriers against deploying sophisticated AI systems in production lines.
Comments project_id_EC super_admin project_rcn_EC super_admin topic_EC super_admin ICT-38-2020 call_EC super_admin H2020-ICT-2020-1 Research & Innovation Action (RIA) Project type - instrument
 AI4Manufacturing (ICT-38-2020) Project Cluster - 18 February 2022 - ConnectedFactories event Result title AI4Manufacturing (ICT-38-2020) Project Cluster - 18 February 2022 - ConnectedFactories event Result acronym AI4Manufacturing_ICT-38-2020_Project_Cluster_220218
 Security and Data Governance Infrastructure-Initial version Result description Prototype implementation of the data governance and security policy management infrastructure of task T34 M17 Initial version
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Comments project_id_EC super_admin project_rcn_EC super_admin topic_EC super_admin DT-FOF-06-2019 call_EC super_admin H2020-NMBP-FOF-2019 Innovation Action (IA) Project type - instrument
 "Data Management Plan #2" Result title "Data Management Plan #2"
 A Multi-Class Intrusion Detection System Based on Continual Learning Result description IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR)Journal publisher: IEEEPublished year: 2023DOI identifier: 10.1109/csr57506.2023.10224974
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Description . - The objectives of the ConnectedFactories II CSA and the associated activities will build on the results and the methodology of the ongoing ConnectedFactories CSA (concluding in August 2019).
Organisation Steinbeis 2i GmbH of Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH
Comments project_id_EC super_admin project_rcn_EC super_admin topic_EC super_admin DT-ICT-07-2018-2019 call_EC super_admin H2020-DT-2019-1 Data ownership - data governance Business model aspects Coordination
 CF Final Event: Crosscutting, Cybersecurity (Ulrich Seldeslachts) Result title CF Final Event: Crosscutting, Cybersecurity (Ulrich Seldeslachts) Result comments ConnectedFactories 2 Result acronym CF_Final_Event_Cybersecurity
 Pathways alignment with National / Regional Initiatives - First Iteration Result description Conceptual and knowledge models to interrelate the EU-level CF pathways with National and Regional DEI initiatives. First iteration Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ConnectedFactories 2 (Global-leading smart manufacturing through digital platforms, cross-cutting features and skilled workforce) Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Identification of emerging skills and job requirements Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Updated version of flyer Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Website and Flyer Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Workshop methodology and common information package Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Data Management Plan Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Animated pictures or Project Video – First iteration Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Cross-cutting aspects implications to required skills Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Organisation of 1st European workshop and associated report Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Report summarizing main contributions to other WPs - First iteration Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Pathways validation and experimentation in DIH Networks - First Iteration Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Pathways instantiation from DT-ICT-07 domains - First Iteration Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Intermediate Plan for Exploitation and Dissemination of Results: PEDR Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Project Quality Plan Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Digital Transformation Pathway Cases Catalogue and European demonstration Infrastructure - First Iteration Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Pathways cross-fertilisation with Digital Technologies - First Iteration Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Foresights and Recommendations of Digital Manufacturing Platforms for a Digital Europe - First Iteration Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Organisation of national/regional sessions and associated reports - First iteration Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 First big public dissemination event Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Initial scouting collection and fine-tuned mapping methodology Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Structured wiki update on Business models, Legal aspects, interoperability, standardization, Cybersec and Human aspects – First iteration Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Video - introduction and use cases - Circular Economy and Manufacturing Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 ConnectedFactories Final Event (23 November 2022) Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 CF Final Event: Opening (Željko Pazin and Rikka Virkkunen) Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 CF Final Event: Data Spaces Manufacturing (Sergio Gusmeroli) Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 CF Final Event: Circular Economy Pathway (Katri Valkokari) Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 CF Final Event: DT-ICT-07 IA Projects - Qu4lity (Oscar Lazaro) Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 CF Final Event: DT-ICT-07 IA Projects - ZDPM (Stuart Campbell) Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 CF Final Event: DT-ICT-07 IA Projects - EFPF (Usman Wajid) Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 CF Final Event: DT-ICT-07 IA Projects - KYKLOS 4.0 (Jason Mansell) Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 CF Final Event: DT-ICT-07 IA Projects - Digiprime (Marcello Colledani) Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 CF Final Event: DT-ICT-07 IA Projects - SHOP4CF (Pieter Becue) Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 CF Final Event: Crosscutting, Interoperability (Luis Usatorre) Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 CF Final Event: Crosscutting, Standardisation (Olga Meyer) Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 CF Final Event: Crosscutting, Skills & Human Aspects (Kosmas Alexopoulos) Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 CF Final Event: Crosscutting, Business aspects (Katri Valkokari) Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 CF Final Event: National Regional Workshops and Digital Transformation Use Cases Catalogue (Meike Reimann) Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Towards Sustainable Manufacturing through Collaborative Circular Economy Strategies Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Digital Transformation of Production Planning and Control in Manufacturing SMEs-The Mold Shop Case Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Video - Use cases and demonstrators on the pathways to digital manufacturing by ConnectedFactories Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Video - Data Space Pathway Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Video - Digital platforms for Manufacturing - a Step Stone towards Data Spaces for Manufacturing Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Legal aspects of data platforms - data act, etc... CF Webinar 24/05/2022 Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Business models and digital platforms - FIR - RWTH Aachen Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Legal aspects of data platforms and data spaces for manufacturing - presentation by TNO Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Business model aspects of digital manufacturing by VTT Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Standards and legal aspect in the context of digitalisation of manufactiring Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Webinar on business and legal aspects of the digitalisation of manufacturing, 24 May 2022, Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Report summarizing the main contribution to other WPs - Second iteration Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Pathways cross-fertilisation with Digital Technologies - Second iteration Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Knowledge delivery mechanisms towards a knowledge-intensive industrial workforce Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Digital Transformation Pathway Cases Catalogue and European demonstration Infrastructure - Second Iteration Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Organisation of national/regional sessions and associated reports - Second iteration Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Pathways validation and experimentation in DIH Networks - Second Iteration Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Pathways alignment with National / Regional Initiatives - Second Iteration Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Extension of the CCMS 2.0 maturity model towards Artificial Intelligence Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Organisation of 2nd European workshop and associated report Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Foresights and Recommendations of Digital Manufacturing Platforms for a Digital Europe - Second Iteration Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
 Pathways instantiation from DT-ICT-07 domains - Second iteration Result comments ConnectedFactories 2
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Description The main advantages of EPES include improved efficiency (by at least 20%) in generating and reconfiguring services for PPS and an increased flexibility of such services, especially in the cases in which
Comments call_EC super_admin FP7-2011-NMP-ICT-FoF Small or medium-scale focused research project (STREP) Project type - instrument
 Business Case 2: Power Cables Provider Result title Business Case 2: Power Cables Provider
 EPES Virtual Collaborative Network (VCN) Result description These KPIs belong to the item level, i.e. they are directly applicable so as to augment a simulation / optimization model.
 Domain 5: Human-centric manufacturing Taxon description At the core of future manufacturing is the information generated in the factory environment, which needs to be managed and adequately transformed from the data level to the knowledge level.
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Comments systems FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories RP 3.5 Multi-level simulation and analytics for improving production quality and throughput
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SERENA (VerSatilE plug-and-play platform enabling remote pREdictive mainteNAnce) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SERENA (VerSatilE plug-and-play platform enabling remote pREdictive mainteNAnce)
 Robotics Use Case Result description it is working according to the COMAU’s internal network and security policies.
 RP 3.5 Multi-level simulation and analytics for improving production quality and throughput Taxon title RP 3.5 Multi-level simulation and analytics for improving production quality and throughput
 Platform enabled optimisation Taxon description services (mainly optimisation) and business models Based upon these mechanisms, added-value can be created in a variety of perspectives (see '

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Description  Project has created 20 digitalisation proof-of-concepts collaboratively with factory production personnel, top notch researchers and SMEs.
 20 proof-of-concepts of digitalised manufacturing Result title 20 proof-of-concepts of digitalised manufacturing Result acronym 20PoC
 In Robotics Fusion Routine Tasks Blend Into Seamless Co-operation Between Robots and People Result description Traditionally, mainly due to security reasons, robots have been operating in separated fenced areas.
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Description In order to achieve these results, the proposed approach relies on a Smart Objects Technology (named Smart Control System) deployed at factory level and on the concept of cloud-enabled Central Application
Comments Implement SotA security layers, showing that the security of maintenance data transmission methods is on par with
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - PROGRAMS (PROGnostics based Reliability Analysis for Maintenance Scheduling) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 2 - PROGRAMS (PROGnostics based Reliability Analysis for Maintenance Scheduling)
 Robot-assisted welding use case: Calpak pilot line Result description unexpected breakdowns which will lead to the long delay of the production in a specific period of the year and determine the remaining time until the welding robots stop granting the required quality level
 Platform level interoperability Taxon title Platform level interoperability
 AAA - Access, Authorisation and Authentication Taxon description ;
 Process reliability - dependability - availability Comments Implement SotA security layers, showing that the security of maintenance data transmission methods is on par with
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Description Based on best practises of Web 2.0 technologies the collaboration space will be an extension to existing business and engineering software.
Comments call_EC super_admin FP7-2011-NMP-ICT-FoF Large-scale integrating project Project type - instrument
 Improved production network logistics due to operation and process transparency via mobile devices Result description Micro companies with headcounts less than 10 employees cover 21 per cent of added value to the business economy [2].
 RP 4.8 Multi-Enterprise Role-Based Access Control (mRBAC) in manufacturing enterprises Taxon description Development of security engines that are able to enforce security rules expressed in terms of roles and permissions on shared data and services during runtime and formal specifications of role hierarchies
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Description engineering and management, adapted to: existing automation and digitalisation engineering methodologies and tools new IoT and SoS automation and digitalisation engineering and management tools security
Comments project_id_EC super_admin project_rcn_EC super_admin topic_EC super_admin ECSEL-2018-1-IA call_EC super_admin H2020-ECSEL-2018-1-IA-two-stage Industry4.E Lighthouse Lighthouses Innovation Action (IA
 Security Standard Compliance Verification in System of Systems Result title Security Standard Compliance Verification in System of Systems
 Eclipse Arrowhead Pitch Result description Market addressed with high level technology introduction.
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Organisation Control 2K Limited
Comments , components and machines Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems RP 2.13 M2M cloud connectivity for future manufacturing enterprises FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Sub-Domain 2.2
 D2.9: Requirements Analysis and User Stories Result description This deliverable will be a joint document for the requirements of all project components divided into strategic high level functional and technical requirements
 D6.4: CREMA Monitoring & Alerting Framework - Prototype II Result acronym CREMA-245893
 Cybersecurity Taxon title Cybersecurity Taxon description Security for information and infrastructure related to digital systems 
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Description Moreover, the potential of the developed 5G Security enablers will be showcased and demonstrated in the context of carefully selected 5G security use cases (e.g. use cases related to cybersecurity and
Comments Production System and digital twins requires data collection from real system Wireless communication protocols ICT performance characteristics Open APIs and Communication Protocols Application level
 5G Security Architecture Result title 5G Security Architecture Result acronym 5G Security Architecture
 5G Security and Privacy Enablers Result description They contribute to have a total of 24 enablers will soon be available, each with an open specification and a software release for demonstration and integration purpose.
 Cybersecurity Taxon title Cybersecurity Taxon description Security for information and infrastructure related to digital systems 
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Comments project_id_EC super_admin project_rcn_EC super_admin topic_EC super_admin DT-ICT-07-2018-2019 call_EC super_admin H2020-DT-2018-1 Innovation Action (IA) Project type - instrument
 Security Implications of Interoperability Result title Security Implications of Interoperability
 CF Final Event: DT-ICT-07 IA Projects - ZDPM (Stuart Campbell) Result description 23 November 2022 Result comments ZDMP ConnectedFactories 2

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Comments Industry4.E Lighthouse Lighthouses project_id_EC super_admin project_rcn_EC super_admin topic_EC super_admin ECSEL-2017-1 call_EC super_admin H2020-ECSEL-2017-1-IA-two-stage Collaborative project (generic
 Digital Transformation in Semiconductor Manufacturing - Proceedings of the 1st and 2nd European Advances in Digital Transformation Conference, EADTC 2018, Zittau, Germany and EADTC 2019, Milan, Italy Result title Digital Transformation in Semiconductor Manufacturing - Proceedings of the 1st and 2nd European Advances in Digital Transformation Conference, EADTC 2018, Zittau, Germany and EADTC 2019, Milan, Italy
 The Sound of Silence - Mining Security Vulnerabilities from Secret Integration Channels in Open-Source Projects Result description ACM SIGSAC Conference on Cloud Computing Security WorkshopJournal publisher: ACMPublished year: 2020Published pages: 147-157DOI identifier: 10.1145/3411495.3421360ISBN:9781450380843
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Description Now reaching this step requires due diligence to security implications.
Comments project_id_EC super_admin project_rcn_EC super_admin topic_EC super_admin ICT-08-2019 call_EC super_admin H2020-ICT-2019-2 Cybersecurity ICT performance characteristics Research & Innovation Action
 SeCoIIA Project Presentations - 22 April 2021 Result title SeCoIIA Project Presentations - 22 April 2021
 Developing the Factory of the Future Cybersecurity and Resilience Result description International Conference on Signal Processing, Information System and Cyber Security (SPISCS 2022)Journal number: 17.-19.6.2022Journal publisher: year: 2022
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Description UPTIME will enable manufacturing companies to reach Gartner's level 4 of data analytics maturity (optimized decision-making) in order to improve physically-based models and to synchronise maintenance
Comments These are based on the JWT technology and are implemented by using the Spring Security framework. Currently, JWT is used to ensure a secure log-in; as components are iteratively integrated.
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - UPTIME (UNIFIED PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE SYSTEM) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 2 - UPTIME (UNIFIED PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE SYSTEM)
 A RAMI 4.0 View of Predictive Maintenance: Software Architecture, Platform and Case Study in Steel Industry Result description /978-3-030-20948-3_9ISBN:978-3-030-20947-6
 Platform level interoperability Taxon title Platform level interoperability
 AAA - Access, Authorisation and Authentication Comments These are based on the JWT technology and are implemented by using the Spring Security framework. Currently, JWT is used to ensure a secure log-in; as components are iteratively integrated.
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Description Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is essential for the digitalization of the manufacturing sector; notwithstanding, less than 25% of the manufacturing companies in Europe profit from ICT-enabled
Comments and production approaches; new use models CFG has worked on a SOTA security framework.
 High-level Description of Cloud Applications using TOSCA Result title High-level Description of Cloud Applications using TOSCA
 Practical Attacks on Relational Databases Protected via Searchable Encryption Result description GehrmannJournal title: Information Security Conference (ISC'18)Journal publisher: SpringerPublished year: 2018
 RP 3.5 Multi-level simulation and analytics for improving production quality and throughput Taxon description Integrated multi-level simulation systems will facilitate enhanced factory modelling by enabling views and interpretations from different perspectives that are aimed at providing stakeholders with different
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Comments the physical Number of generated spin-offs or start-ups Additional KPIs clesgo UG Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities RP 3.5 Multi-level
 Designing Turbine Blades for Hydropower Plants with CAD from the Cloud Result description Stellba's process to design a new blade is in fact running roughly 25 times faster than before, reducing the design time from 8 hours to less than 20 minutes.
 Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories Taxon description A prerequisite for advanced factory lifecycle management is the availability of an integrated and scalable factory model with multi-level semantic access to features, aggregation of data with different
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Description Security and sovereignity of information are guaranteed by IDSA (Industrial Data Space Association)-based solutions for on-demand and controlled sharing of data among organisations, regulated by smart
Comments project_id_EC super_admin project_rcn_EC super_admin topic_EC super_admin DT-ICT-07-2018-2019 call_EC super_admin H2020-DT-2019-1 Innovation Action (IA) Project type - instrument
 Digiprime presentation at ConnectedFactories event 22 April 2021 Result title Digiprime presentation at ConnectedFactories event 22 April 2021
 Data Policy Framework. Result description security
 CF Final Event: DT-ICT-07 IA Projects - Digiprime (Marcello Colledani) Result comments DigiPrime ConnectedFactories 2
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Description The European Factory Platform project (EFPF) realises a federated smart factory ecosystem by primarily interlinking 4 smart factory platforms, from the FoF-11-2016 cluster, through an open and interoperable
Organisation Control 2K Limited
Comments project_id_EC super_admin project_rcn_EC super_admin topic_EC super_admin DT-ICT-07-2018-2019 call_EC super_admin H2020-DT-2018-1 Basic internal connectivity Pathways Hyperconnected Factories Pathway
 System Security Modeller Result title System Security Modeller
 EFPF Data Spine Result description Engine API Security Gateway Service Registry Message Bus
 CF Final Event: DT-ICT-07 IA Projects - EFPF (Usman Wajid) Result comments EFPF (European Factory Platform) ConnectedFactories 2
 Pilot 2 - Lot-Size-One in Furniture Manufacturing Result acronym EFPF_Pilot-2
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Description Comau is an integrated company, including 20 subsidiaries, which develops and produces process automation, manufacturing and service products and specializes in welding robots Systems Sunlight S.A.,
Comments Manufacturing Process Optimisation on factory level Pathways Off-line optimisation Autonomous Smart Factories Pathway Optimization on security level and safety monitoring Autonomous /online/realtime
 Adaptive Security Framework for Resource-Constrained Internet-of-Things Platforms Result title Adaptive Security Framework for Resource-Constrained Internet-of-Things Platforms Result description 8th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS)Journal publisher: IEEEPublished year: 2016Published pages: 1-5DOI identifier: 10.1109/NTMS.2016.7792431ISBN:978-1-5090
 Final System Evaluation Report Result acronym SatisFactory-272109
 Off-line Digital Manufacturing Process Optimisation on factory level Taxon title Off-line Digital Manufacturing Process Optimisation on factory level
 Domain 5: Human-centric manufacturing Taxon description At the core of future manufacturing is the information generated in the factory environment, which needs to be managed and adequately transformed from the data level to the knowledge level.
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Description This will foster the growth of a net-centric business ecosystem for sustainable innovation and fair competition as envisaged by the Digital Agenda 2020.
Comments Connect, OAuth 2.0 and SAML 2.0) User Acccess and Rights Management ICT performance characteristics Platform level interoperability General interoperability framework Interoperability (ICT) KeyCloak based
 Final EU-level End-of-project Event Result title Final EU-level End-of-project Event
 Security and Privacy Requirements Result description A report summarizing privacy and security requirements
 Dissemination and Communication Plan Result acronym NIMBLE-222511
 Cybersecurity Taxon title Cybersecurity Taxon description Security for information and infrastructure related to digital systems 
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Comments project_id_EC super_admin project_rcn_EC super_admin topic_EC super_admin FOF-11-2016 call_EC super_admin H2020-FOF-2016 deliverableType_EC super_admin result_rcn_EC super_admin result_rcn_EC
 AUTOWARE presentation at FoF Community Days 2019 Result title AUTOWARE presentation at FoF Community Days 2019
 Latency-Sensitive 5G RAN Slicing for Industry 4.0 Result description .2019.2944719ISSN:2169-3536
 D4.1 Digital SME manufacturing analysis and identification of challenges Result acronym AUTOWARE-291988
 Cybersecurity Taxon title Cybersecurity Taxon description Security for information and infrastructure related to digital systems 
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Description need to be addressed in order to progress on the pathways be inspired by industrial and research cases and share your experience and cases engage with stakeholders at European, national and regional level
Comments Autonomous Smart Factories Pathway Pathways project_id_EC super_admin project_rcn_EC super_admin topic_EC super_admin FOF-11-2016 call_EC super_admin H2020-FOF-2016 Other eco-system aspects Business
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ConnectedFactories (Industrial scenarios for connected factories) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ConnectedFactories (Industrial scenarios for connected factories)
 Video - Autonomous & Smart Factories Pathway Result description   Level 2 involves the implementation of dedicated digital tools for doing ERP and MOM, while Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) solutions are implemented on shop floor level, connected
 Workshop methodology and common information package Result acronym ConnectedFactories-222628
 Data ownership - data governance Taxon description How is fairness/ a level playing field between the platform and smaller players ensured ?