Projects overview

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Comments RP 5.8 Enhanced Visualisation of complex Manufacturing and Production data FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Domain 5: Human-centric manufacturing The holistic factrory simulation tool includes
 RP 5.8 Enhanced Visualisation of complex Manufacturing and Production data Taxon title RP 5.8 Enhanced Visualisation of complex Manufacturing and Production data Taxon description Aspects of data mining and data management have to be considered in the context of this process.
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Description SO-PC-Pro will apply this methodology for the first time to modelling processes and interactions in the production domain, resulting in a new set of ICT-based technologies that will support people-centred
 The MAS BioRing - A wearable ring for measuring physiological human data Result title The MAS BioRing - A wearable ring for measuring physiological human data Result description It provides a real time stream of feature set data extracted from the wearer’s heart (electrocardiograph) signal, blood pulse wave volume (finger photplethysmograph), skin conductance or local bio-impedance
 RP 5.2 Advanced Information Models for knowledge creation and learning Taxon description Future ICT research should focus on context-aware information modelling on data captured from the shop floor and enterprise backend systems.
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Comments Knowledge-workers and operators Technologies and enablers System modelling - digital twins, simulation Technologies and enablers Engineering tools FALCON aims to provide methodologies and approaches
 Taking Advantage of Data Generated by Products: Trends, Opportunities and Challenges Result title Taking Advantage of Data Generated by Products: Trends, Opportunities and Challenges
 FALCON semantic concept definition document Result description In this report domain boundaries for each application are defined, and all products, processes, data sources and resources are identified.
 Data acquisition Taxon title Data acquisition
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Description LinkedDesign is intended to boost today’s engineers by providing an integrated, holistic view on data, persons and processes across the full product lifecycle as vital resource for the outstanding
Comments System modelling - digital twins, simulation Technologies and enablers Engineering tools Part of the project covered the field of KBE (Knowledge Based Engineering).
 System modelling - digital twins, simulation Taxon title System modelling - digital twins, simulation
 RP 5.8 Enhanced Visualisation of complex Manufacturing and Production data Taxon description Aspects of data mining and data management have to be considered in the context of this process.
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Description A specific part of the platform takes into consideration a series of rules and will support project managers in the process of managing data workflow and integration issues.
Comments - data platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies System modelling - digital twins, simulation Technologies and enablers Engineering tools Domain 5 -
 Intelligent data management for a seamless and robust data availability Result title Intelligent data management for a seamless and robust data availability Result description It maps relational data transparently into ice.NET (current PDTec product) model with legacy data within ice.NET without replication and connects ice.NET to Master Data Management solutions.
 System modelling - digital twins, simulation Taxon title System modelling - digital twins, simulation
 RP 5.2 Advanced Information Models for knowledge creation and learning Taxon description Future ICT research should focus on context-aware information modelling on data captured from the shop floor and enterprise backend systems.
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Comments storage and information mining Technologies and enablers Data storage Data collection, storage, analytics, processing and AI Information and communication technologies Digital manufacturing platforms
 Machine Availability Monitoring Module Result description Afterwards, an information fusion technique processes the monitoring data in order to feed the process planning service with the status, specifications, and availability time windows of machine tools.
 Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Taxon title Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms
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Comments Novel DC powered robot end effectors and manufacturing tools R&I Objective 1.6: Data ‘highways’ and data spaces in support of smart factories in dynamic value networks MIE Consultation 2020 (Closed
 Single and Multi-Robot Energy Consumption simulation Result description Results show a significant agreement with experimental data on the real robot.
 System modelling - digital twins, simulation Taxon title System modelling - digital twins, simulation
 RP 2.10 Adaptive Process Automation and Control for a sensing shop floor Taxon description These systems should include software capable of monitoring KPIs and lifecycle parameters as well as data processing and data-mining technologies capable of extracting the knowledge and model of machine
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Description By modelling all process steps and manufacturing assets as services it is possible to realize cross-organization manufacturing orchestrations and integrate distributed resources and ultimately manufacture
Comments enablers Data collection, storage, analytics, processing and AI Information and communication technologies Data modelling Technologies and enablers Data collection, storage, analytics, processing and
 Cost-Efficient Data Redundancy in the Cloud Result title Cost-Efficient Data Redundancy in the Cloud
 Automotive Use Case Result description Valuable efficiency and machine status data from the production processes coupled with data from legacy systems and positional data from key production assets will provide greater insight into the plant
 Data modelling Taxon title Data modelling
 Data Liability Taxon description . for example in relation to quality of data, data, security breaches, delivery, data analytics misuse or misrepresentation, loss of stored data, access or retrieval of data, etc.
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Comments storage and information mining Technologies and enablers Data storage Data collection, storage, analytics, processing and AI Information and communication technologies Knowledge-workers and operators
 ICT solutions for next generation data storage and information mining Taxon title ICT solutions for next generation data storage and information mining
 RP 2.10 Adaptive Process Automation and Control for a sensing shop floor Taxon description These systems should include software capable of monitoring KPIs and lifecycle parameters as well as data processing and data-mining technologies capable of extracting the knowledge and model of machine
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Comments Additionally, the modelling methodology does not focus only on single entities, but on integrated networks of partners, which co-create the overall value.
 Software tool for modelling mixed-actor manufacturing processes Result title Software tool for modelling mixed-actor manufacturing processes Result description The developed modelling language will be implemented in a prototype modelling tool. This implementation will be based on developments in the CROSSWORK project (see Positioning). 2. Result acronym Software tool for modelling mixed-actor manufacturing processes
 RP 2.10 Adaptive Process Automation and Control for a sensing shop floor Taxon description These systems should include software capable of monitoring KPIs and lifecycle parameters as well as data processing and data-mining technologies capable of extracting the knowledge and model of machine
 Specific Objective 3: New integrated business, product-service and production approaches; new use models Comments Additionally, the modelling methodology does not focus only on single entities, but on integrated networks of partners, which co-create the overall value.
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Comments technologies Data modelling Technologies and enablers Data collection, storage, analytics, processing and AI Information and communication technologies Interoperability (ICT) ICT performance characteristics
 Data quality-based process enabling: Application to logistics supply processes in low-volume ramp-up context Result title Data quality-based process enabling: Application to logistics supply processes in low-volume ramp-up context
 Data modelling Taxon title Data modelling
 RP 5.9 Linking organisational knowledge in connected enterprises Taxon description Future research should focus on context aware information modelling on data captured at the enterprise and human-machine interaction levels.





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Description (for inspection and post-processing) Between all stages and the data management system with the integrated design decision support (IDDS) system By considering the entire AM process chain, rather than
Comments technologies Data modelling Technologies and enablers Data collection, storage, analytics, processing and AI Information and communication technologies Skills and training aspects Significant innovations
 Data modelling Taxon title Data modelling
 RP 5.2 Advanced Information Models for knowledge creation and learning Taxon description Future ICT research should focus on context-aware information modelling on data captured from the shop floor and enterprise backend systems.
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Comments storage Technologies and enablers Data collection, storage, analytics, processing and AI Information and communication technologies Data processing Technologies and enablers Data collection, storage,
 Digital world model for Human Robot Collaborative operations Result description in a unified data format.
 Data storage Taxon description Data storage is the recording (storing) of information (data) in a storage medium.
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Description Cheaper and more powerful sensors, together with big data analytics, offer an unprecedented opportunity to track machine-tool performance and health condition.
Comments Technologies and enablers Data collection, storage, analytics, processing and AI Information and communication technologies Data modelling Technologies and enablers Data collection, storage, analytics
 Open data management plan Result title Open data management plan
 Open data repository report Result description Open data repository report
 Data modelling Taxon title Data modelling
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Description data processing remotely, advanced IoT system and smart devices for data collection and monitoring of machinery conditions, artificial intelligence methods for predictive maintenance (data analytics
Comments System modelling - digital twins, simulation Technologies and enablers Engineering tools Digital models enahnced with real world data acquired from sensor devices will be used as the basis of
 Data Management Plan Result title Data Management Plan
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SERENA (VerSatilE plug-and-play platform enabling remote pREdictive mainteNAnce) Result description The number of sensors and the amount of data gathered on...
 System modelling - digital twins, simulation Taxon title System modelling - digital twins, simulation
 RP 5.8 Enhanced Visualisation of complex Manufacturing and Production data Taxon description Aspects of data mining and data management have to be considered in the context of this process.
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Comments analytics, processing and AI Information and communication technologies Data modelling Technologies and enablers Data collection, storage, analytics, processing and AI Information and communication technologies
 Standardisation in 5G Result description Given its global nature, and the connections it creates between ICT and non-ICT sectors, 5G critically depends on standards to ensure interoperability, security, privacy and data protection.
 Data modelling Taxon title Data modelling
 Data storage Taxon description Data storage is the recording (storing) of information (data) in a storage medium.
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Description UPTIME will enable manufacturing companies having installed sensors to fully exploit the availability of huge amounts of data with respect to the implementation of a predictive maintenance strategy.
Comments Data modelling Technologies and enablers Data collection, storage, analytics, processing and AI Information and communication technologies The current draft of the UPTIME data model is designed
 Data-driven FMECA Mechanisms Result title Data-driven FMECA Mechanisms
 Conceptual Architecture and System Specification Result description modelling of the relevant project data sources and system specification
 Data modelling Taxon title Data modelling
 Data storage Taxon description Data storage is the recording (storing) of information (data) in a storage medium.
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Description Many Industrial Data Platforms based on IOT Data in Motion and Analytics Data at Rest have been recently developed to implement effective Industry 4.0 pilots (I4MS Phase III platforms).
 Data Management Plan - Initial version Result title Data Management Plan - Initial version
 AI-based Process Control c/o ARMAC bv Result description The experiment was divided in four main phases, data collection, data modelling, model learning, model validation and deployment. 
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Description It will create an Energy sustainability management framework collecting data from the factory and holistically process them to create dedicated energy sustainability metrics.
 Concurrent multi-domain modelling and simulation for energy-efficient mechatronic systems Result title Concurrent multi-domain modelling and simulation for energy-efficient mechatronic systems
 Final Data Management Plan Result description This deliverable contains the Final Data Management Plan for EnerMan
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Description the Data acquisition modules to collect the data from the in-mould cavity pressure and temperature sensors as well to collect data from the injection machine PLC; Thanks to the data acquisition modules
Comments storage and information mining Technologies and enablers Data storage Data collection, storage, analytics, processing and AI Information and communication technologies Standards Standards, technical
 Integrated data acquistion system for Plastic Injection Moulding machines and moulds Result title Integrated data acquistion system for Plastic Injection Moulding machines and moulds Result description d) It enables to acquire the following data per cycle:  • Mould/cavity data: cavity pressure and temperature  • Machine data: screw position, machine pressure, cycle time &ensp
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Description On the other hand, monitoring of the machine empowered by Big Data and Cloud technologies allows analysing the real process including vibration and process instability issues.
Comments storage and information mining Technologies and enablers Data storage Data collection, storage, analytics, processing and AI Information and communication technologies Digital manufacturing platforms
 Open research data Result title Open research data
 MC-SUITE application based on six different modules ready to reduce the gap between the simulated and the real process Result description MC-Monitor is a cloud based system able to store heterogeneous data including signal coming from internal sensors of the machine, from embedded systems and operator authored data.
 Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Taxon title Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms
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Description OPTIMISED aims to develop novel methods and tools for deployment of highly optimised and reactive planning systems that incorporate extensive factory modelling and simulation based on empirical data captured
Organisation Advanced data processing GmbH
Comments collection, storage, analytics, processing and AI Technologies and enablers Information and communication technologies System modelling - digital twins, simulation Technologies and enablers Engineering
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - OPTIMISED (Operational Planning Tool Interfacing Manufacturing Integrated Simulations with Empirical Data) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 2 - OPTIMISED (Operational Planning Tool Interfacing Manufacturing Integrated Simulations with Empirical Data) Result description scheduling optimisation system, applied to three industrial businesses in manufacturing and maintenance repair and overhaul (MRO) which uses sensor technology, simulation in the form of a digital twin, data
 Data collection, storage, analytics, processing and AI Taxon title Data collection, storage, analytics, processing and AI
 Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories Taxon description granularity, zoom in and out functionalities, and real-time data acquisition from all the factory resources (i.e. assets, machines, workers and objects).
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Description Reliable information about the real component remaining lifetime can only be achieved by combining different techniques (trend analysis, components modelling, simulation, …) while the determination
Comments : Industry 4.0 is only slightly improving the deployment of tools for collecting data Difficult data synchronization: existing data is saved into tens of different
 Data Management Plan - final Result title Data Management Plan - final
 Data Management Plan - preliminary Result description on data management.
 Lessons learned Comments : Industry 4.0 is only slightly improving the deployment of tools for collecting data Difficult data synchronization: existing data is saved into tens of different
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Description • Provide interfacing between measurement tools, modelling tools and simulation tools to allow the application of the compact LED models.
 XML schema for compact model data exchange created and described Result title XML schema for compact model data exchange created and described Result description XML schema for compact model data exchange created and described
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Description DENiM provides an integrated toolchain to provision advanced digital services including secure edge connectivity leveraging IoT, data analytics, digital twin, energy modelling and automation culminating
 MPC with fuzzy modelling for energy management in a manufacturing plant Result title MPC with fuzzy modelling for energy management in a manufacturing plant
 Data Management Plan Result description Data management plan for project
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Description Supply Chain Management (SCM) systems • Limited integration from other information sources • Lack of distinction between internal and cross-company processes • Limited interoperability of systems/data
Comments - data platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies System modelling - digital twins, simulation Technologies and enablers Engineering tools Domain 4 -
 ADVENTURE Data Provisioning and Discovery Result title ADVENTURE Data Provisioning and Discovery
 ADVENTURE Process Optimization Result description The modelling of a Smart Process comprises specifying the process steps and activities, which have to be performed.
 Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Taxon title Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms
 RP 6.3 Collaborative product-service systems design environments for SME involvement Taxon description API, data standards).